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Zucas said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

The real question is why to Sony fanboys feel that it makes to handle, by assuming MS was willing to pay developers to support and appease its fanbase, but Sony wasn't. Isn't, "Well MS paid them" a good thing. Don't you wish super-rich Nintendo paid 3rd party developers for FFXIII and such? Wouldn't that be a good thing for Nintendo?

Or is it because of the stigma that "MS has infinite money, so this is nothing to them, and the PS3 is better, but developers choose the 360 cause of MS money, only." So basically, you're saying one piece of metal and plastic is better than the other, because of the name printed on it, and the fact that it has a blu-ray device that is replaced by 4 seconds of disc changing every 10 hours of gameplay?

Wouldn't a better talking point to spout in all these FFXIII threads be, "Well RRoD existed and there was no excuse so I bought a PS3." That one actually makes sense, and isn't know...positive piece of PR for your competitors and their fans?

Your not going to see a Japanese company do that because even corporations follow the code of honor and respect. Something like that hits the media and you can bet stock prices drop.

I'm not saying they don't do it but it's something they'd never allow to hit the media because that's considered bad press. Personally I agree with them as it is a matter of honor and respect... but unfortunately you aren't going to see that with most business. Which is nothing to argue about because honor and respect can interfer with profits and money of course... but not in a case like this.


Code of honor? You mean like when Capcom decided to not honor their promise of RE4 exclusivity? Or when Square announced FF13 for the 360 without a second thought about Sony, who were supposed to have exclusivity? No, I am not taking any sides here, but japanese companies have no code of honor. They do what they get the most money from, as do most companies.