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There is no conclusive evidence that this forum, in the short time I've been here, has ever had a bias. Unless of course you would contribute the objective sales figures on the main page to showing a Nintendo Bias by having the Wii sell more a week than either of its competitors. The Wii has the fastest growing fan base of any console this generation so proportionately there is no surprise that you see more people rooting for it than others, why people feel the need to complain about this like its a popularity contrast is certainly frustrating but I think in the end, claiming a bias of one company over another for a forum, gives certain members an excuse to feel justified when things don't turn out the way they want or popular opinion doesn't match their own.

You really have to ask yourself, are they complaining because there is a Nintendo Bias or are they really complaining because not everyone panders to their beliefs that Sony is rocking out the way video gaming should be done? Claiming a forum bias for whatever reason, is a weak excuse.