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I'm saying so much crap it's insane.

The link I posted to the developer commenting that Dragon's Age might be coming to consoles is impossible and false.

Every PC detractor is an idiot.

There are so many PC games coming in the next 18 months, it will put the console to shame.

PC games sold more than the PS360 combined. That is not cherrypicking, and all relevant information is given.

Capcom is being punished by PC gamers.

PC Exclusives 2008 - 99999
Any Console Exclusives 2008 - 30? Average

My opinion is stupid.

Are you listening to yourself?

Do you believe that attacking anyone who hits anything negative towards the PC somehow helps your cause?

Do you think you are unbiased, and indeed give all the facts.

You're worse than Crazzy. At least he admits his fanatacism.

Everything has positives and negatives. These little "debates" that we've gotten in where I give some very sound reasoning, that you tend to cherrypick and ignore in your retorts, that hold little or no value beyond some talking points that PC gamers incessantly spout.

You don't have enough information. Neither of us do. That's why I wasn't discussing sales here. Why don't we try discussing some of the things that we do have information about instead of repeating yourself and calling everyone an idiot who doesn't completely agree with you.

Your style of personal attack flame is hostile and unacceptable. I suppose being a fanboy, even a PC one, still a fanboy makes. I would like to have an adult conversation here, but I think I've already had it. My first post was spot on. If you want to continue this conversation, then read it again, and think of a better retort than, "Nuh uh! You're an idiot and here are some made up numbers to prove it, even though that wasn't your point, as I well know, and these numbers don't necessarily represent the health of the single player core market, as they encompass the massively successful MMO genre, and casual games, and perhaps even software like Microsoft Word."

"more profitable Steam platform"

Very few people have the courage to stand up to you PC gaming entheusiasts, because most people think that there is some vast amount of knowledge that you must know, when discussing it. PC gamers are passionate. They like hording that stigma over the heads of the people who attempt to disagree with them. It's like you feel bitter for being left out of the general gaming conversations.

However, that stigma is incorrect. Fanboyism, and all its characteristics, is universal, I find. Find the talking points, cherrypicks, and conveniently left-out information is rather easy, if you just have a good mind for this sort of thing.

I mean, if I told you that "studies show the Wii is the best platform for 3rd parties in the future," you think that would fly?

"Dragon Age: Origins is not coming to Console." You assume too much. What if Sony said, " We promise that FFVerses13 is coming to PC first.

Perhaps you missed my link.

You really don't think that game will see a 360 release? You seemed pretty sure. If I were you, however, I wouldn't make absolute predictions.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.