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man, those huge quotes are making my eyes burn...

OT: People don;t hack the PS3 because 1) It takes waaay too long to download a 20GB game and the amount of money you'd have to pay for an internet connection that CAN download that amount of info in less than forever would be far more than it would cost to simply go out and buy the stupid game. 2) Sony let's you run linux on the thing, which can and will always be able to do 99% of the stuff you would ever want to do on a hacked console; with NO worries about having to re-hack the thing after every FW update. (and with the current rate of PS3 FW updates, re-hacking the console would probably take up a fair amount of your programming time...)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it