Well that would vary by region TheSource, but its pretty obvious how most people moved. North America 2600->NES->SNES->PS1->PS2->360* or 2600->NES->Genesis->PS1->PS2->360* Japan Famicom->PC-Engine->SNES->PS1->PS2->Wii* or Famicom->PC-Engine->SNES->Saturn->PS1->PS2->Wii* Europe?(I'm not sure, I know Europe has always been different due to piss poor support prior to the launch of the Playstation brand) Master System->Mega Drive->PS1->PS2->360* or Master System->SNES->PS1->PS2->360* *=This generation is yet to be decided, so I just put the current market leader for each region i.e. 360 for US/Europe, and Wii for Japan.