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Three weeks ago EA released some new screenshots and a 2D trailer, for the most part I thought it was an interesting diversion from the normal in-game trailer, it turns out there is something more to it.

I had the chance to talk to one of the producers during the hands on time and while the full interview will be in one of the upcoming ButtonMasher Podcasts this info deserves to be shared before that.


We were talking about how the game flows and what people can expect when they play through the game for the first time.

There is a linear story. The storytelling is done through a unique 2D animation style, we wanted there to be a real contrast between the storytelling and the videogame so that you really take notice of the story, because we feel that the story is a very important part of the game.

If you missed the trailer when it was released here it is now.

I am willing to forgive all types of flaws to play this beautiful game but is animated story telling even a flaw? It does seem a shame to have such beautiful visuals in a game and then break away into a completely different style. What does everyone think about this?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"