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@theprof00 -- do you even know how to do programming ??

First the tasks to unlock to the Trophies must be decided.
Next you must create counters for the tropies - eg. Kill 50 enemies with a shotgun requires you to create a counter of shotgun kills...
Next you must add triggers... so that GAME OS(PS3's Operating System) knows when to award trophies...

In addition to this you must add code before the trophies which tells GAME OS that the game has trophies and what textures to use for bronze, silver, gold and platinum trophies...

All of that takes time and while it might only take 10 mins to add to a game when it was planned from the start it does need to be tested, and it WILL create bugs. Those bugs then have to fixed - which WILL create more bugs, those bugs then need to fix which might fix the problem or it might not... all and all id say it would take around 60 - 80 hours for - Trophy design + implementation + testing + big fixes/re-testing + SONY QA... and that's without the problems of adding code to a game which mainly on the blu-ray disk thus the code must be slot in to the right spot or be Independent.