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hmm its a hard question to answer...

Basically i own 18 retail games and 4 PSN titles and have 11gb free space on my HDD - i have a 60gb PS3 btw.

Ohh and i own MGS4, DMC4, Warhawk, AC, Heavenly Sword, GTA4, etc -- so it's not like i only games which don't have large installs.

Now imho 20gb owners should know how to swap the HDD -- since the 20gb was the first model to be discontinued and PS3 was selling preety bad -- and even then the majority of consoles sold were the 60gb, i doubt 20gb owners will have trouble with installs (unless they refuse to upgrade the HDD)

40gb owners are proberly now starting to feel the pain of installs and will be forced to decide between keeping that MGS4 install or that GTA4 install in order to play the next game with a big install -- but most 40gb owners will either know how to delete installs / swap the HDD or will not own enough games to run out of HDD space (most casuals buy less than 20 games for a console)

60gb owners -- they lie between 20gb and 40gb owners. The ones with trouble should know what their doing. The ones without trouble aren't likely to have trouble since you would need a fair bit of content to run out of room.

80gb owners -- can't seem them in trouble any time soon...