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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 5th Annual Greatest Games Event! Join the Fun!

So I whittled it down to ~70 games that I adore. Now I need to get to 50... and then somehow get them into a crazy lookin' list. This is the hardest part for sure. @_@

Also, 5 games from Nov 2013-Oct 2014 have made it into those 70 games. Let's see where they end up...

Smeags said:
Welfare said:

Does this mean you want to participate? :D

Also, I've got one game making it into the top 10 for sure, and a few more fitting into the top 50. We'll see how that shakes things up. ^_^

Yes. Sorry!

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Sounds like fun, I would like to join please!

I better start making my list, this is going to be soo hard.

Finally got to make my first list. Harder than I thought, but finished it quicker than expected.

Can I get in? I want to put Xenogears at first.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


I'm not even sure if I can narrow it down to 50, and somehow put them in order.
Oh well, I can try it though. Sign me in!

BraLoD said:
artur-fernand said:
I'm not even sure if I can narrow it down to 50, and somehow put them in order.
Oh well, I can try it though. Sign me in!

It's really hard!
I think we just can't be happy with any outcome when ranking all 50 of them, it's so damn hard!

Tell me about it. I can't even tell what's my favorite game ever. I can think of about 5 games I could point and say "that's the best game ever made".


I would like to participate :D