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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Why does it not need to usually be a movie tie in? Some movie tie ins like Wolverine are pretty good. Either way that doesn't seem to have anything to do with difficulty.

Heh, Neo I should have a Pac-Man plat now :)

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Isn't Ultimate mortal kombat 3 only 400 MS points now?

I bought it for 800 points and it was still a steal.

400 is a top bargain.

And finding online matches is still easy despite the games age on xbla.


Thats why I said usually. Upcoming games for Wolverine and Batman look good but unfortunately for most of the current movie tie-ins they are crap. I would think Neoratt will consider some for the future.

@Eagles Eye, I understand. I do think a lot of these are self-regulating though. I don't see twenty people buying a game if its a really crappy tie-in. Unless it hits the bargain bin but even then I doubt a cheap price tag makes it that appealing.

That sucks Batman got pushed back but hopefully it will be better than ever. Ghostbusters is another upcoming movie game that should qualify for a race.

Acevil said:

I just regained a platinum(GTAIV).

Noooo! Damn. I only got to hold it for 2 weeks. I guess I'll need to stomach the crappy multiplayer in order to take it back. I haven't played online in a while but it always took forever to find a game, then I usually got disconnected.


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NeoRatt said:
yo_john117 said:
NeoRatt said:
outlawauron said:
Alright, I was wondering because konnichiwa is permabanned.

konnichiwa is removed from the league.  It is reflected on MGC right away.  The next update will reflect it in the league.

Not to derail this thread but i don't really see why konnichiwa was perma-banned...It says for trolling but there are far worse trolls on these forums.

I'll just say, I wasn't one of the judges involved so to speculate on their thinking would be wrong. 

It is dissappointing losing a gamer with the number of games (108) and a gamerscore of over 20K.  This will slow down platinums for some games that were close to 20.

If KonnichwaBE gets onto the site with another ID, gets 50 posts in, and applies to rejoin, I will accept.  I don't manage the site, just the 360 League.

I agree. I liked konnichiwa and I'm not sure why he got banned.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
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Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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outlawauron said:
NeoRatt said:
yo_john117 said:
NeoRatt said:
outlawauron said:
Alright, I was wondering because konnichiwa is permabanned.

konnichiwa is removed from the league. It is reflected on MGC right away. The next update will reflect it in the league.

Not to derail this thread but i don't really see why konnichiwa was perma-banned...It says for trolling but there are far worse trolls on these forums.

I'll just say, I wasn't one of the judges involved so to speculate on their thinking would be wrong.

It is dissappointing losing a gamer with the number of games (108) and a gamerscore of over 20K. This will slow down platinums for some games that were close to 20.

If KonnichwaBE gets onto the site with another ID, gets 50 posts in, and applies to rejoin, I will accept. I don't manage the site, just the 360 League.

I agree. I liked konnichiwa and I'm not sure why he got banned.

I guess because he'd racked up a lot of bans already. I think the final straw was when he said something pretty trollish (I forget what, exactly) about VG Chartz... specifically sales numbers, IIRC.

But yeah, I liked him, too.

I hope more people get Dead or Alive 4 so I can get that platinum

I hope more people get Dead or Alive 4 so I can get that platinum

Arkanoid, Space Invaders Extreme, and Zombie Wranglers for XBLA this week...

I won't claim that I am going to kick butt in the tournaments because we usually leave that to RONSTER316. I'll just say that I will enjoy Arkanoid and Space Invaders Extreme... If I happen to get some tournament points too, I will consider that a bonus.