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Forums - Website Topics - Who is the most popular person on VG Chartz and why?

Make sure you read everything --> This excludes Site administrators, Moderators, Game Database Admins, Contributors, and Poll Administrators, since you guys are already very popular so everyone will likely pick one of you guys...(sorry)

So someone that's apart of the community but isn't apart of the VG Chartz crew.

Edit: Names you CAN'T vote for. (Never realized how many people was in the VG Chartz crew, maybe I'll make another list to see who's the most popular person that's apart of VG Chartz)

Brett Sqrl Benkenobi88 Bladeneo SignalStar
TalanMan MrStickBall MontanaHatchet NJ5 Mr.Nice
DKII Louie SSJ12 Elgefe02 Senseinobaka
TheSource Torillian Y-Koron Spdk1 Popzara
Naznatips Shams Oliist MaxWellGT2000
BengaBenga RocketPig Ferret1094 LoadedStatement
Nordlead FishyJoe Pichu_Pichu JohnLucus
MakingMusic476 Stof Quigontcb DOATS1
Onyxmeth Twesterm Super_Etecoon FreeTalkLive
Machina-AX Bodhesatva TheKictchenSink Soriku

Around the Network

J-man , kirby, and squillam these 3 gives colour to this site.

leo-j of course...

Who the hell is Soriku?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

wii forever

Around the Network

who the hell is kanje wesT?




j-man is so lame

squilliam, starcraft, and rol are much more popular

Including every single member on the site mod and non-mods. We have all heard of the legend that is Soriku - Nintendo fan and 23 000 posts and growing by the hour.

Long live Soriku.

Worthy mentions (runner-ups to Soriku) are: Kirby007, Starcraft, Squilliam, Rolstoppable, Y-koron, Brett, DKII, Naznatips, Source, Psrock, DMeisterJ (Sorry guys none of you guys come close to Soriku)