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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Some guys remain single by choice because it is easier!


Men choose to remain single and give up on women?

They do not want to becom... 9 7.69%
They do not want to change! 12 10.26%
They do not need a woman'... 3 2.56%
They do not want to conform to society! 5 4.27%
They have busy life and d... 9 7.69%
They are a man-child and never grew up! 17 14.53%
They are regarded as a lo... 15 12.82%
Modern feminism double st... 19 16.24%
Other! 27 23.08%
They choose sex workers instead! 1 0.85%
Cobretti2 said:
I like how a few fake profiles come out to write some dribble because their partners are probably on the forum reading their real accounts lol

After reading more of the comments here is a quote from a great man.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! "

That guy sounds very wise. He must be an intellectual or something :p

OT: I guess there are many reasons for staying single but "giving up on women" is just wrong. I've had my fair share of bad experiences but I also have a wonderful girlfriend and met many amazing women. I get that you feel down at times and rejection hurts but not giving up is attractive and makes one grow as a person. There is a lot you can do about your body if you feel unattractive physically. Lifting weights three times a week is going to change the way women react to you a lot and you can do that no matter your age. Don't start with huge goals, change one little thing a day and slowly things will start to come together. Make change manageable, take it slow and steady.

And yes, there are bad women out there but the majority of women are normal beings. Stay away from the crazy girls but don't lose hope on all women. There are a lot of absolutely amazing women out there - I genuinely can't believe at times how great my girlfriend is lol and she thinks the same way about me - even though I'm a flawed person just like everyone else and don't have a million dollars in the bank.

And one last thing: Do NOT think of online dating as representative of real life! Women are way nicer in real life if you approach them.

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Louie said:
Cobretti2 said:
I like how a few fake profiles come out to write some dribble because their partners are probably on the forum reading their real accounts lol

After reading more of the comments here is a quote from a great man.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! "

That guy sounds very wise. He must be an intellectual or something :p

OT: I guess there are many reasons for staying single but "giving up on women" is just wrong. I've had my fair share of bad experiences but I also have a wonderful girlfriend and met many amazing women. I get that you feel down at times and rejection hurts but not giving up is attractive and makes one grow as a person. There is a lot you can do about your body if you feel unattractive physically. Lifting weights three times a week is going to change the way women react to you a lot and you can do that no matter your age. Don't start with huge goals, change one little thing a day and slowly things will start to come together. Make change manageable, take it slow and steady.

And yes, there are bad women out there but the majority of women are normal beings. Stay away from the crazy girls but don't lose hope on all women. There are a lot of absolutely amazing women out there - I genuinely can't believe at times how great my girlfriend is lol and she thinks the same way about me - even though I'm a flawed person just like everyone else and don't have a million dollars in the bank.

And one last thing: Do NOT think of online dating as representative of real life! Women are way nicer in real life if you approach them.

LOL Rocky haha



DarthMetalliCube said:
danasider said:

Well then you answered it yourself.

I guess your answers most fit the option "They do not want to change!"

The thing is life is all about change. It's about adapting and compromising, because humans are social animals and we depend on each other. No man is really an island.

So if you feel your time is too valuable to make the effort to change your situation with women, that's fine. But it's not the world's fault. That's on you.

I am a 33 year old who posts comments on vgchartz and has had 6 sexual partners in the 13 years I've been sexually active (3 just this year, and there were droughts between some partners lasting months to years). I had a lot of social anxiety, depression, and a paralyzing fear of rejection among other issues, so I would take your attitude a lot.

Rather just stay home playing some games than go out, act weird in front of perfect strangers, and get rejected.

Then, this past year I decided to put in the effort. I tried social dating apps, bars, etc. I was rejected multiple times both in person and online.

With enough persistence, I landed some dates. With enough work put into understanding the opposite sex along with my irrational fears of them, I landed some sex.

Point is, even after all this time of being a certain way, with enough effort I turned it around and got what I wanted. I just drove a 22 year old home this morning after a fun night out (and more fun in both last night and this morning). People can change, and sometimes it's required in order to get different results.

Your situation may be different from mine, because autism is on a whole different scale when it comes to pursuing social relationships. But there are people with that disorder that do have families and/or other forms of relationships. You can either be in the group that focuses on all the negativity surrounding your life, or you can focus on what you WANT to be and find the steps required to transform into that. Up to you.

Well this is somewhat motivating/reassuring to read. Do you find the social anxiety got easier to deal with/lessened the more you forced yourself to approach women? I'm 32 and have had little luck with women, though I pretty much have no one to blame but myself - it's my own apprehensiveness to approach them, and a fear of coming out of my shell. At the same time, it's a bit frustrating as I haven't exactly had many apparent opportunities or many girls throwing much interest my way either..

I mean, I've had a few "dates" using a loose definition of the term (trust me, they either didn't go well or were uneventful). I've also had a handful of female friends over the years, a few of which I'm pretty sure I could have had a chance with, but I was simply too self-conscious and concerned what they'd think of me, worried I would get mocked or viewed as a weirdo if I flubbed something or didn't measure up to their standards. I was also concerned about messing up our friendship and making things awkward within our "click" as we typically were within mostly the same circle of friends.

I honestly don't particularly view myself as a total wallflower or weirdo or anything. I consider myself a fairly normal, fairly decent looking guy - but for some odd reason just nothing ever really happened with me when it came to women. In school I was in a thick shell of isolation, only hanging to a click of a small circle of dude friends. I don't particularly go out much, and in college and in my work life, I've mostly been around dudes as well. I've always felt I've just always sort of coasted my way through life in a fairly normal manner, and next thing I know, I'm a single 32 year old. Just flew by so fast..

I don't know for sure that I have social anxiety though I'm pretty sure I have at least a moderate case of it, and suspect I may even be slightly on the autism spectrum. Looking into the traits associated with these conditions I seem to exhibit a startling amount of both.. I mean hell, to my confusion, I'll even get irrationally anxious at times just going out with a group of guy friends I haven't seen in awhile.. I'm also quite a big introvert which doesn't exactly lend itself to relationships.

I went through sort of a "poor me" sulking phase in my late teens/early 20s but now I'm really trying to stay positive. Trying to remind myself that when I REALLY feel I'm ready and want a relationship I'll hunker down, kick my ass and go for it. I'm just not 100% at that point yet, but I do feel I'm inching towards it. I don't want to compound being alone for so long with feeling too down.

I'm making it a new years resolution of mine to start to get out there more, be at least a little more social and try and meet women. Whether that means join a class/club, go to bars, or simply hang out with friends more, I gotta start taking the initiative. It might be tough for me at first, but I can't accept this defeatist attitude, even if sometimes I feel shitty. I gotta shake it off.

[this ramble turned out a lot longer than I intended lol, guess I just had to get that out]

Yes it gets easier.  The more you put yourself out there (not only dating but uncomfortable situations) you will get better at coping. 

It it almost 1am here, so I will cut it short. If you are still friends with the girls you mentioned. Maybe talk to the one you least likely would hook up with and tell her what you told us. More so about the anxieties and not wanting to appear like a weirdo. You will find that they will probably help you deal with some of these issues which will also give you some confidence as seeing a girl talk about you and helping you improve will mean that to them you ain't a weirdo otherwise they wouldn't be willing to do that.



Dark_Lord_2008 said:

I have no friends and no brothers to back me up in fights, so I have never gone out to any bars/clubs.
I do not use dating sites because they are low/no effort and are too focused on looks and I am too ugly for online dating.
Unfortunately I live in Australia, I would rather I live in the UK or Europe or any other country where life is easier and better.
Australia is a violent aggressive country with no culture, full of druggies/heavy drinking Bogans  that bash people up for no reason at bars/clubs.
There are so many stories I hear on the news of another fat guy beats smaller guy to death on a weekly basis at bar/club or at a street party.
At the halfway mark of my life and I dread the second half of my life of being alone and continuous rejection by the world.

I have severe limitations in communication I make statements and I do not engage in conversations. I talk at people instead of talking to people. I sound like an idiot online when I re-read over my posts. I limit my communications in the real world to avoid coming across as an idiot and to avoid conflict. I find it hard dealing with criticism, it really gets to me. In real life I do not have a keyboard to use words to fight back against criticism, I am no good at talking in person. If I use scripts that may be the  best way to deal with conversations but any unexpected questions would force me to walk away.

BTW: I am not posting a picture of me online so I can be mocked, ridiculed and become a meme! Hell No!

Your posts read fine online. You are better than most austisitc people i dealt with.

Man you are in Aus, I don't know that placed you go and think there a fights but that hardly happens unless you  are looking for a fight. I don't know where you get your death statistics from but it 1 a week was bashed at parties to death we would all know about it and it be a political agenda item now right before the election like the African gang of Melb.

There is plenty of tail after 2am that you can pick up easy enough. Just get some confidence with that then work your way up.

@BOLD: I doubt you are as ugly as you make out to be unless you been disfigured by an accident or fire on your face. No one is that bad. 

What state are you in?



In am in WA  and there are not many women here. Lots of guys, not many women.

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Dark_Lord_2008 said:

In am in WA  and there are not many women here. Lots of guys, not many women.

Move east.  WA is a mining state that will collapse once the resource run out.

It is also boring so it is understandable why so many people drink hard and fight rather than find other forms of entertainment.




Then again maybe try Darwin. I have a friend that works there who said so many women up there compared to men that it is easy to get a root.

This was 3 years ago, so not sure how valid that info still is.



Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but given the subject matter; story time.

Met a new girl at work last night. She's Psychology student who's going to be volunteering with us. For the first time in a long time, my clumsy attempts at interaction actually seems to go okay; it's hard for me to tell if she's genuinely interested or just being polite, but she was smiling, not looking bored or like she was looking for an excuse to get away, actually contributing to the conversation instead of just letting me do all the work. She had to leave the event early to go to Basketball, but before she left we added each other on Facebook.

Not sure what I should do next though. Should I message her tonight after work, is that too desperate, what should I say, etc. When I've been in this situation in the past, I never get a response when I message them the next day or even days later. They're never interested.

I'm also not sure if she's aware I'm autistic. That's been a dealbreaker for women in the past. 

She's also well out of my league; not supermodel material or anything but still a good-looking, intelligent, confident woman who could have her pick of a lot of guys way more attractive than me.

I can't help but hold out some hope but I am wary of building myself up for disappointment here. This kind of opportunity rarely arises in my life.

Most women only sees us Autistic males as a friend and not a romance option. An Autistic male that is physically attractive has less chances than Non-Autistic guys that are less physically attractive. Non-Autistics avoid Autistic people we have a lack of communication skills and are eccentric/weird/socially awkward. Non-Autistics make up 95% of the population and there are only 5% of us Autistics out there with varying degrees of functioning on the Autism spectrum. If a woman is younger or older than the Autistic male, I doubt it would make any difference because an Autistic male is unlikely going to increase his low emotional intelligence and his low social intelligence that are critical in regards in the formation of dating/romantic relationships.

On an Autistic discussion forum support website, you will understand that most people with Autism are males and we heavily out number females with Autism. It was once said that Autism is only a male condition and females can not have Autism. Females can hide Autism by masking it and most females are only diagnosed with Autism when they are adults after years of not fitting in at work and being rejected in social situations.

Asexual, (Which is a sexual orientation, not a gender for those who failed science).
I simply don't desire it with another human, and it is impossible for another person to seduce me, so really being with a women would be a waste of time and money for me.