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Forums - Politics Discussion - White Millenial Men Now Majority Republican

Panama said:
If you demonise a class or race, generally they will protect themselves eventually. Just some food for thought for those that unironically use phrases such as “part of the problem” and “patriarchy”.

You're part of the problem in holding up the patriarchy.

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Seventizz said:
SpokenTruth said:

White privilege, the patriarchy, the gender pay gap, toxic masculinity....

None of these actually exist and are easily debunked.

Hmm, well I personally think that at it's core, the concept of white privilege does exist. However, it's not quite what the left wants to think it is. It's more of a majority privilege, or favor of familiarity.

i.e. in a country like Japan, with a 97+ percent race homogeneity, if looking to hire a person for a job, and are given to pick between a Japanese, a Philippine descent, and a German descent. Even assuming they all speak and were raised in Japan, they will gravitate to the Japanese. Are they racist? No, they just naturally are attracted to the one most similar to themselves.

In America, this is the same, except that in a melting pot country like it is, there is conscious effort to try to have multicultural experience. The way to combat this "white" privilege is to enforce that people are at their most different in physical shape alone. However, we strangely are getting to a point were progressive thought is to actively segregate and promote differences. For example when black people say things like "Black Panther/R&B/whatever is for black people", or crack jokes at "typical white behavior" it creates a subconscious divide.

So in that way, I think white privilege does exist, in a way.

Also, patriarchy is absolutely a real thing. There are multiple historical examples of male dominance in a society. However, I think in modern times it is at its weakest and most fractured, and really is so outdated that it is the least of our societies problems.

Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!

Well when you demonize 30% of the population, don't act surprised when the majority of them refuse to go along with your political party or platform.

Democrats, more specifically the progressive / social justice left wing of the party, have been crowing for years about demographic trends in the US, cheering on the "browning of America" and how they can't wait for all the "old white men" to eventually die off.

And they still wonder how Donald Trump became president...

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

SpokenTruth said:
It's amazing that young white men will switch parties just to placate their ego. Changing a party doesn't change the facts.

This is why Trump won.

SpokenTruth said:
And this is where I exit. Otherwise, we will go pages and pages with no change in our opinions.

Of course you exit after using the pay gap myth...

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I believe this study or poll (Link doesn't work) also found White women overwhelmingly flooding towards the democratic party, did it not. And does this matter as much, us white men are an increasingly smaller part of the population with each passing generation. And how many of these guys are libertarian Republicans. 

Kalkano said:
This typically happens as you get older, in general. It's why it's incorrect to think that "republicans are old people, and will go away, leaving a vast majority of liberals".

With age comes wisdom.

People become resistant to change as they get older and so progressive ideas of the past become the conservative platform of the future. I was actually a conservative as a teen/young man and now consider myself to be a left-libertarian. 

I already had a distrust of government as a young conservative - it was as I grew older that I began to see that corporations have bought out the political process and much of the disfunction of modern government actually stems from big business (largely acting through the Republican party). 

It's my hope that as a society we'll all take a step back from the two party system and realize that we're all being preyed upon by small billionaire class that's been allowed to grow ever wealthier as the working classes keep less of the products of their labor, despite being more productive than ever.

We're conditioned to fear wealth-redistribution when it means that money gets redirected to the bottom. In reality, we are all unknowing witnesses to a system that is rigged to drain increasing amounts away from the masses and redistribute it to the top. 

The healthiest economies in human history have had the most money in the hands of the poorest folks, as those classes spend 100%+ of their earnings by necessity, while those in the upper classes hoard their wealth, as there is only so much any one individual can/will spend, no matter how indulgent. 

Money in the hands of the poor means more demand for Nikes, iPhones, Takeout, Movies, Music, Cars, etc. which drives the economy and creates a boom for businesses. Tax breaks for the wealthiest means more money to those who spend a smaller percentage of their income annually - meaning stagnation rather than growth.

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SpokenTruth said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Does placate even work in that sentence? And don't most people do that? Most people vote based on completely superficial circumstances usually revolving around their sense of identity. 

Appease, pacify, soothe, mollify....

As for voting based on ego?  I don't think most people do that.  I mean that's partially what being a democrat is all about.  You vote on the principle of helping others and not just yourself.

I would want to think that way but politics in the US has shown that a good portion of voters votes from the gut and not by policy. I mean the whole presidential election is a popularity contest based on the candidates personality and not the policy they stand for.

I'd argue, when it comes to adhering to policy and ideology the typical democrat is a lot more fickle than the typical Republican. Or else we had Bernie Sanders as the nominee since he completely embodies the Democratic ideology. Republicans don't win when they're strong, they just win when Democrats weaken themselves.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Currently we're living in a world of hysteria over the Social Justice Warrior craze, which is causing many people to try distance themselves from the left as much as possible. This really exploded in 2016-2017. Once one side gives off the impression of radicalism and the other side seems to be the "smart" choice, people will flock to that side in droves. The left had their time in the sun during the first half of the decade, when crap like this was going viral.

When enough people on the right start to overreach to the point where their entire side looks like extremists again, people will flock back to the left.  2 years isn't enough time to declare one side as doomed.  It's just current trends influencing peoples' answers.

Last edited by Zach808 - on 02 May 2018

Zach808 said:

When enough people on the right start to overreach to the point where their entire side looks like extremists again, people will flock back to the left.  2 years isn't enough time to declare one side as doomed.  It's just current trends influencing peoples' answers.

If the media did their job properly people would already flock back to the left. I'd consider the current president and his cabinet quite extreme but the media just continues to make a fool out of itself instead of focusing on the sinister shit that's actually going on and has been going on since the election.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.