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Forums - Movies & TV - The Marvelous Marvel Rewatch (Now Playing: Avengers: Infinity War)


Best MCU sub-series?

Iron Man 1 3.03%
Thor 1 3.03%
Captain America 12 36.36%
The Avengers 9 27.27%
Guardians of the Galaxy 10 30.30%

Captain America:Civil War 10/10

I honestly cant find any flaws with this movie, I love the villains plan and Robert Downey Jr.s acting in that reveal scene is just fantastic and that final fight is very emotionally powerful.The airport scene is pure fun and I love the balance of this movie, As of this movie this is no.1 just above winter soldier.

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Captain America:Civil War
Captain America:The first Avenger
Captain America:The Winter Soldier
Avengers:Age of Ultron
Iron Man
Iron Man 3

Guardians of the Galaxy

Black Panther

Incredible Hulk
Ant Man
Iron Man 2

Thor:The Dark World

P.S Captain america isnt even close to my favourite but looks like I love all his movies lol.

Spider-man: Homecoming.

I have big fanboy issues with film. Big ones. And yes, it's all related to no Uncle Ben and Tony Stark. First, the whole 'you don't need the suit' thing is here again, and next film we'll get it again. We get it, these people aren't the suits but Spider-man NEVER was the suit, ever, not in comics not in films. He is Spider-man, one of the few 'good' heroes left in the Marvel Universe, one of the ones who doesn't go around killing, he does what is right, not what is right for himself.

But then comes the scene where he is trapped. A scene taken directly from the comics to show Peter's strength and resolve, and who enters his mind in this moment? Uncle Ben of cou...wait no, Tony Stark? He's the moral compass? I know the MCU is Tony Stark obsessed but please. Don't insult me by changing one of Spider-man most memorable moments into something to Tony seem good.

Otherwise, the film was enjoyable and fun with a better than Average villain. 8/10

Hmm, pie.

AnmolRed said:
Captain America:Civil War
Captain America:The first Avenger
Captain America:The Winter Soldier
Avengers:Age of Ultron
Iron Man
Iron Man 3

Guardians of the Galaxy

Black Panther

Incredible Hulk
Ant Man
Iron Man 2

Thor:The Dark World

P.S Captain america isnt even close to my favourite but looks like I love all his movies lol.

That's kind of how I feel.  I never cared for Captain America at all whenever I saw him in the comic books.  However the Cap movies are my top 3 MCU movies as well.  I do have to say though, that Chris Evans has given me a much great appreciation of Cap than I had before.

OK, Guardians 2 in the books.

The good stuff:

  • The visual effects, sets, and prop design. You can point to a lot of movies to demonstrate that digital effects have run amok and do more harm than good, but Guardians 2 isn't one of them. The visual palette in the movie is great, and the imaginative sci-fi tech is very Star Wars: futuristic but used. So many of the MCU movies are set in gray buildings and corridors; it's nice to savor the colors and character of the Guardians space-scape.
  • The acting. Apart from a few exceptions -- notably Gillan -- all the actors shine here. Russell brings a smiling effortlessness to Ego, and Rooker (probably the MVP of the movie) is exceptionally layered as Yondu. I will say that Pratt here is weirdly ineffective. Perhaps it's because he's trapped in a tedious storyline where he's a passive onlooker. Saldana, Bautista, and others make up for it, though.
  • The ending. Oh man, so good. I think that about 90% of the movie chases its tail, but, oh boy, does it stick the landing. It's emotionally-resonant and it looks absolutely gorgeous.
The bad stuff:
  • Plotting/pacing. There's a scene late in the movie where Yondu, Rocket, et al. need to make 700 jumps to reach Ego's planet. There's a wide shot of their ship ping-ponging between space jumps -- that is a perfect visual metaphor for the plot structure of Guardians 2. The movie bounces back and forth between several different plots and sub-plots, resulting in a chaotic, manic, disjointed story structure. In attempting to give everyone something substantial to do, writer/director Gunn loses his narrative thread. This all makes the movie feel much longer than it is.
  • The humor and tone. Man, I never thought I'd count humor among the cons in a Guardians movie, but here we are. Obviously, humor is a very personal thing, and one man's hysterical is another man's unfunny. But for me, Guardians 2 swings and misses A LOT. I think Gunn tried so hard to make Guardians funny and edgy and irreverent that it ends up feeling forced. The tone, too, is odd. Some of Guardians 2 is deathly serious (especially the Ego/Peter plot, which is, strangely, dramatically inert and a poor vehicle for Pratt's skills as an actor), some of it's aloof and ironic and indifferent, and some of it -- the uncomfortably long mass murder sequence with Yondu, in particular -- is oddly casual about its violence. But just slap a 60s pop song on it, and it's cool, right?
I was leaning toward a 5 but that ending is so damn good it bumped it up to a 6.

1) Captain America: Civil War

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3) Iron Man

4) Guardians of the Galaxy
5) The Avengers
6) Iron Man 3

7) Black Panther
8) Captain America
9) The Incredible Hulk
10) Avengers: Age of Ultron
11) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

12) Doctor Strange
13) Ant-Man
14) Iron Man 2

15) Thor
16) Thor: The Dark World

Last edited by Veknoid_Outcast - on 16 April 2018

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The_Liquid_Laser said:
AnmolRed said:

P.S Captain america isnt even close to my favourite but looks like I love all his movies lol.

That's kind of how I feel.  I never cared for Captain America at all whenever I saw him in the comic books.  However the Cap movies are my top 3 MCU movies as well.  I do have to say though, that Chris Evans has given me a much great appreciation of Cap than I had before.

I'm not as big a fan of the original Captain America movie as you guys, but I do agree Evans is the MVP and the Cap sub-series is the MCU's best by far.

You guys need to read Gruenwald's Captain America. Then you'll know why Rachel is better than Sharon, why Nomad's death in exchange for Bucky was just sad and why they definitely should introduce USAgent into the MCU (John Walker would be awesome).

Hmm, pie.

Doctor Strange - 8/10 - I enjoyed this a lot more than thought I would as really liked the cast and visuals. The ending in particular really handled time in some fun ways and got creative with dealing with the big bad. I think a sequel could be quite good as well with other story lines set up.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 9/10 - I know some people felt this was a big drop from the first, but I felt it was a great continuation of the original. The themes were built on in natural ways and Peter's story had a great payoff. Everyone had a moment and surprisingly Yondu ended being the big show stealer.

Spider-Man: Homecoming - 6/10 - I liked Spider-Man bit more than past attempts and the villain was well done, but I didn't connect at all with the high school setting or his peers. It didn't feel like Peter Parker without the isolationist aspect.

Cap 3 - 8
Doctor Strange - 8
GOTG - 9
Spiderman Home Coming - 7

Just to keep my scores updated.


Thanks, guys! Keep ‘em coming!