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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which new game will be the most sold on PS4? Call of Duty vs Assassins Creed vs GT Sport vs Fifa vs StarWars..


Which new game will be the most sold on the PS4?

Gran Turismo Sport 21 20.79%
Fifa 18 28 27.72%
the new Call of Duty 35 34.65%
the new Assassins Creed 2 1.98%
Star Wars Battlefront 2 9 8.91%
Destiny 2 1 0.99%
see results 5 4.95%

The big Fight between strong new PS4-Games. Sales survey. Could Gran Turismo Sport have stronger sales numbers than Fifa 18, the new Call of Duty or Assassins Creed, Star Wars Battlefront 2 and / or Destiny 2 on PS4 ? Or is maybe fifa 18 or the new cod the winner ? What do you think ?

Your predictions ?

1. Which new game of these sells most on PS4 ? (September-December 2017) ?

2. And overall (lifetime) ?

3. Which game will push the hardware-PS4-sales figures the most ?

For september-december.. Fifa or GT Sport in my opinion, its really hard to say. I think Gran Turismo Sport will have most sales on PS4 (lifetime). Then Fifa 18 or the new Call of Duty between this games. Question 3.. i dont know, its really hard to say and limited PS4-ConsoleBundles coming.

Around the Network

Probably Fifa, with CoD in second most likely.

Don't see any other game having a chance.

1. Fifa

2.  Fifa

3. Gran Turismo Sport

I'm very interested in the Christmas-Business with these new big games on PS4. For this reason, I have not mentioned games like Horizon Zero Dawn or other titles.

Wow no one except me for SWBF2? I think this game will be huge. CoD WW2 I think will be second.
1 & 2. SWBF2
3. GTS

2. COD > FIFA > Gran Turismo > Star Wars > Destiny
3. Gran Turismo

Around the Network

2. FIFA > COD > Star Wars > Gran Turismo > Destiny
3. Gran Turismo

2. FIFA > COD > Gran Turismo > Star Wars > Destiny
3. Gran Turismo

GTA 5.

2. CoD
3. Battlefront 2

FIFA easily.


The PS5 Exists.