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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WSJ: Nintendo expects to sell 10 million Switch units in the next fiscal year

A new report from The Wall Street Journal states that Nintendo will alter its manufacturing plans for the Switch in the fiscal year ending March 2018. The Japanese company had initially planned to make 8 million Switch units, but that has been raised to 16 million.

The change is due to better than expected demand for the hardware, which launched on March 3. According to the WSJ's sources, the company believes it can sell more than 10 million units in the next fiscal year, following a launch month in which it expects to ship 2.5 million units.


So basically buy WSJ Nintendo plans are to sell from launch to 31. March 2018. (13 months) 12.5m Switch consoles.

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Almost Wii U LT! Make it happen!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Dat Gen 9 lead!

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

That would be a great start, not too far behind PS4 numbers.

It will sell 13 million in it's first year. So they are almost exactly correct.

Sales prediction, PS4: 122 Million, Xbox one: 50 million, Switch: 105 million. 

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Lenny93 said:
It will sell 13 million in it's first year. So they are almost exactly correct.

Nintendo Fans are living in a dream world, The Switch won't sell more than....

Nah can't finish that sentence because I actually think the Switch will do somewhat close to that.

I'm going to take the wait and see approach here. Right now its just all the Nintendo hardcore buying it after they pick it up we'll see how well the system can do long term. Launching with Zelda was a brilliant move but a bit of a smoke screen once it clears people will see the lack of AAA's

That would be a pretty good turn around from the Wii U. Hope it meets those goals

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

More than 10 sounds very reasonable. Pumping out (and selling) 16 million seems like a bit of a reach. I wouldn't be surprised at all by 12 or 13 million, though. 

If a main series Pokémon game is even just announced within that time frame it's almost guaranteed.