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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Ultimate Pokemon Tournament Generations 1 - 6 Round 1, Match 6

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Approved by RavenXtra <3

Hello and welcome to the Ultimate Pokemon Tournament! This torunament will feature the first 721 Pokemon from gens 1 - 6 and only 1 will be crowned the winner. The First Round will consist of 36 rounds of 20 Pokemon and only 10 of them will advance per round. There are no second chances in this round, if the Pokemon is 11th place or below it is out! Voting last until the next round is posted which should be around 12pm EST.

Even though there are 20 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:

10p Wartortle

9p Squirtle

8p cyndaquil

7p chimchar

6p turtwig

5p poliwag

4p caterpie

3p Pikachu

2p Ledyba

1p Pichu

The Top 10 Pokemon for each round will advance to round 2

Match 4 Results:

1) Pidgeot - 109 Points

2) Wartortle - 94 Points

3) Snivy - 79 Points

4) Yveltail- 68 Points

5) Dewgong - 66 Points

6) Magmar - 49 Points

7) Nidorino - 43 Points

7) Porygon-Z - 43 Points

9) shuppet - 34 Points

10) Wigglytuff - 32 Points

11) Girafarig - 27 Points

12) cubchoo - 25 Points

13) Hoppip - 12 Points

14) flabebe - 9 Points

14) Tynamo - 9 Points

16) Panpour - 7 Points

17) Swadloon - 4 Points

17) Skorupi - 4 Points

19) stunkfisk - 1 Point

20) Cascoon - 0 points

We now move on to the 6th match of the competition, vote your favourites through to round 2

#525 Tympole

#89 Muk

#144 Articuno

#282 Gardevoir

#198 Murkrow

#356 Dusclops

#488 Cresselia

#678 Meowstic 

#250 Swampert

#183 Marill

#278 Wingull

#142 Aerodactyl

#621 Druddigon

#574 Gothita

#91 Cloyster

#190 Aipom

#24 Arbok

#112 Rhydon

#456 Finneon 

#101 Electrode


Only 10 will advance so Vote to keep your favourites in for round 2!

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10p Gardevoir
9p Meowstic
8p Marill
7p Aerodactyl
6p Rhydon
5p Dusclops
4p Swampert
3p Cloyster
2p Articuno
1p Electrode

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Ooooh, so many good one now.

10. Aerodactyl

9. Muk

8. Gardevoir

7. Swampert

6. Articuno

5. Marril

4. Cloyster

3. Duddrigon

2. Dusclops

1. Murkrow

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

10p Aerodactyl
9p Articuno 
8p Druddigon
7p Murkrow
6p Gardevoir
5p Cloyster
4p Meowstic
3p Rhydon
2p Cresselia
1p Marill

10p wingull
9p Articuno
8p Marill
7p Swampert
6p Gardevoir
5p Arbock
4p muk
3p Aerodactyl
2p Rhydon
1p Electrode

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Around the Network

10p Gardevoir

9p Cloyster

8p Swampert

7p Meowstic

6p Rhydon

5p Aerodactyl

4p Cresselia

3p Muk

2p Electrode

1p Articuno


Fun fact: With Pidgeot advancing last round the entire Pidgey family has made it to round 2. With Liepard out in round 4, the entire Purrloin family is out of the competition.

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10P Articuno 

9P Rhydon

8P Murkrow

7P Gardevoir

6P Electrode 

5P Meowstic

4P Cresselia 


2P Muk 

1P Aerodactyl 


10p Swampert
9p Gardevoir
8p Articuno
7p Cloyster
6p Marill
5p Aerodactyl
4p Mewostic
3p Cresselia
2p Finneon
1p Rhydon

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10p Articuno
9p Swampert
8p Meowstic
7p Gardevoir
6p Aerodactyl
5p Cloyster
4p Cresselia
3p Murkrow
2p Electrode
1p Rhydon