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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let say Sony launches PS4 NEO and discontinues old PS4..


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It depends how expensive the NEO will be.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Well I haven't bought a PS4 yet so I don't care if the original PS4 gets discontinued but it looks like the NEO might be the best out of the rest of the options ...

Neo and NX

i'm ready to upgrade to PS4 NEO anytime

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Intrinsic said:
Conina said:

Why not? The normal PS4 becomes the entry model, always $100 - $150 cheaper than the PS Neo for people who don't want to pay $300+ for a home console.

It's one thing making multiple skus with different sized hardware. It's another thing making different skus with different Chips, boards, RAM, casing, PSU, I/0 connectors........etc. 

it would be a manufacturing nightmare in a world where simplicity is always the key. It would probably cost Sony no more to make the Neo than it does them making the PS4 right now. So rather than stick with the PS4 as is and reduce its cost of production, the probably decided to increase power but remain at the current cost. Easy decision to make with how the PS4 is selling right now. 

It basically will cost Sony more having tiw vastky different skus on the market than having one. 

"A manufacturing nightmare"... please don't exaggerate!

They should have no problem producing two different console models parallel, they have always produced 2 consoles since 2000:

  • they produced PS1 + PS2 from 2000 - 2005
  • they produced PS2 + PS3 from 2006 - 2012
  • they produced PS3 + PS4 from 2013 - 2016
  • now they will probably discontinue the PS3 and produce PS4 + PS Neo from 2016 - ????

A part of the PS2s success was that it could be offered for $129 (official price cut) / $99 (inofficial deals) in its last years. With these low hardware investments they reached an additional group of buyers: price sensitive people who wouldn't buy a console for $200+, no matter how good it is.

With its specialized hardware (especially the Cell) they couldn't get the PS3 in these lower price regions without much losses.

But the PS4 with its mass produced standard components should be able to get in these lower regions ($199 - $149 official, $149 - $129 street price) in a few years. To further increase their hardware base, they have to offer an attractive priced entry model. To include people, who want to play PS4 games and don't care about 1080p or 900p or 720p, especially if they still have a 720p TV which is good enough for them.

And the existence of the PS Neo doesn't mean that they can't further reduce costs for the PS4 models with new revisions. The PS2 had a lot of different revisions after the PS3 launch.

Go to PC gaming only.

I would defeniatley try to upgrade to a neo

SvennoJ said:
Intrinsic said:
I really don't see Sony selling the PS4 and PS4n together. Just makes zero sense. I see the PS4n to be what the PS4 slim would have been. just not a slim. Per say. The PS4n is just a PS4 with 4k output support. kinda like how 360 became a 360 with a dedicated HDMI output.

This theory will be confirmed if the Neo is announced at $350-$400. The PS4 will be phased out and then the Neo becomes $350. Probably dropped to $299 around when the NX is launched.

I agree that the ps4 will likely be replaced to limit overhead. The Neo likely exists because of problems shrinking down the current design, requiring a switch to a different hardware process, ie finfet.

I doubt it will hit 299 by next March though. Why would Sony start losing money on the hardware now. Being more than comfortably ahead they can afford to stretch the generation somewhat by cooling down the sales pace. 14nm finfet process is still brand new, I very much doubt it will be possible to make a profit at 299 in less than a year. First Polaris GPUs are set to launch in June. Maybe the ps4 will need to co-exist for a while if they can't produce enough NEOs.

Hehehehe..... finally something we agree on!!!! You see? We are becoming digital friends!!!

Yh I do agree with you. Maybe the Neo and PS4 coexists for a while until all the kinks with finfet is ironed out. A luxury Sony can afford now keeping Neo at a higher price ($399). Also probably one of the reasons Nintendo pushed back the launch of the NX cause it would probably cost them too much trying to get as much units out as they feel they need using the still new and buggy finfet tech.

Around the time the NX is released, Sony will likely have shipped around 60M consoles. at that time, they could easily afford to drop the price of the Neo to $299 even if it means them taking a loss of $50 per console for an entire year just to undercut the NX. they did it before with the PS2 and XB. And now they will be in an even better position to do it again than they were then. 

Hiku said:

If my PS4 broke, I'd get a Neo, unless NX turns out to have everything I want in a Playstation (unlikely). Then I would get NX instead.

I gotta get in on this sweetness, you know.

the girl left with orange hair is a inkling girl, nx port confirmed