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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Playstation owners! Would you "upgrade" to the PS4K? X1 & U owners, would you?


I am.

A PS4 owner and will upgrade! 200 28.78%
Waiting on buying a PS4 b... 43 6.19%
X1 owner, I'm gonna migrate on PS4k release! 4 0.58%
Wii U owner and will migrate on ps4k release. 9 1.29%
Multi console/pc owner and will buy. 20 2.88%
Multi console owner, won't buy 87 12.52%
Wii U owner, won't buy. 69 9.93%
X1 owner, won't buy. 54 7.77%
Ps4 owner, won't buy 171 24.60%
Other,...please comment. 38 5.47%

Well, tbh. The concept of "newer console" isnt new. Like back in the day we have PS3/Xbox 360 slim and DSi? for example or in this gen, 3DSN.
But yeah i agree, that's why i never get the PS3 Slim nor i won't ever get the "PS4k" IF it's a stand-alone.
But make no mistakes! I'll burn my wallet for their Awesometacular exclusives 2016-2017 lineup! So at the end of the day, im probably will broke af and won't be able to get that PS4k anyways, lol.

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Wii U owner here and I'm waiting to see what the NX has to offer! Also, I don't have a 4K TV so it wouldn't be worth buying.

John2290 said:
AEGRO said:

To tell you the truth. No, i wouldnt mind. I would enjoy my current Ps4 just fine.

The problem with this in my opinion, is that if the gap between both iterations is considerable, developers would be in a position of juggling between optimizing the game for one while mantaining a respectable performance in the other, which i dont think they will do.

This will cause more problems in the future (again, imo), more patches, a shitty version of the game on one side, or both versions the same with a new group complaining that it is not taking advantage of the new upgraded hardware.

I think it will cause more problems that advantages.

You are ignoring the bigger picture here, VR and how it will drive sales of ps4k as well as many, many 4k TV owners who lack content and would gladly buy a ps4k to justify their TV.

Except. That isn't the best option. The system is upcaling games. It's not real 4K, in that deparment. And if a person just wants movies/shows. Than they're more likley gonna buy just a disc player, or stream the stuff. Over buying a game console. It's not the PS2 era. Were it was the cheapest DVD player. Nor the PS3. Were it was the cheapest BD player. 4K Players are equal to cheaper than a PS4, already. And streaming is a way cheaper option. Compared to everything else, as it is. More/cheaper options. Less reason for people to pay attention to this upgrade. On top of the hate.

John2290 said:
archer9234 said:

Except. That isn't the best option. The system is upcaling games. It's not real 4K, in that deparment. And if a person just wants movies/shows. Than they're more likley gonna buy just a disc player, or stream the stuff. Over buying a game console. It's not the PS2 era. Were it was the cheapest DVD player. Nor the PS3. Were it was the cheapest BD player. 4K Players are equal to cheaper than a PS4, already. And streaming is a way cheaper option. Compared to everything else, as it is. More/cheaper options. Less reason for people to pay attention to this upgrade. On top of the hate.

The Dvd player in the ps2 and the Bluray player in the ps3 would strongly disagree. New tech always compliments and drives new tech.

Yeah, because they were the cheaper costing players. For their time. That is gone now. And there is streaming. Cheaper than all options. Which they didn't have to contend with. That was my point. In 2006. You wanted 1080 content. You got a PS3. And the games were HD too. There was no Roku, no USB sticks, no smart TV's. As alternative options. It was only the PS3, that gave you the cheapest choice.

Now the PS4 isn't the only option. And won't play games in native UHD. So buying a 4K TV for a upgrade. Instead of waiting for the proper console, that does it for real. Is pointless. It be like buy a HDTV. And people getting DVD's and keeping a SD cable box. Which people did, for years. Why did you buy the TV to begin with? There is no real benefit the upgrade system gives to a 4K owner. Except one. Better FPS.

Unfortunately I don't have enough posts to make a thread but...

Just buy a pc....

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BlacKJesuS said:
Unfortunately I don't have enough posts to make a thread but...

Just buy a pc....

Definitely true.

StokedUp said:
Ps4 owner, don't really know what I'd do if it happened, I'll be honest I'm slightly annoyed at the whole thing, I bought my ps4 launch day and I've been perfectly happy with it, there's nothing wrong with its performance and it'll be fine for the next 4-5 years. But now Sony (who have been really good with their customers) are sort of shitting on all the 39million owners that are now going to own the lower spec model through none of their choice. Sony should announce a trade back deal in which you trade your own ps4 back and get the "ps4k" for £100-£150.

 Sony hasn't done anything to anyone currently, as it stands it's a complete rumor with no evidence except big name media outlets keep printing it and pointing to the fact that other big name outlets are printing it, so therefore it must be true.

It's the terrible state of media and journalism these days.


 If it's true, Sony blew it bigtime, and from this poll they are lucky ifthey are targeting 30% of their user base. I'd question if even that 30% has a 4k TV currently.


 The only way any of this is ture if there is some sort of INTERNAL battle going on inside SONY. With the TV division seeing a horrible adoption rate of 4k, and then the threat of PSVR possibly hurting or canabalizing TV sales going forward even further.

 Sony seeing the possibly of ps4's that are NEVER attached to a TV even, I can see internally within the company there being issues with VR competing with TV and them trying to push 4k hard before they inadvertently kill it with VR.


John2290 said:
torok said:
Probably not. I rather wait for the PS5 in 3 to 5 years or simply use the extra money to buy a second console (NX maybe) so I could play its exclusives.

Of course, if Sony screws current PS4 owners, them I wouldn't buy the PS4K or even the PS5, but I'm not counting on it since it would be a bit suicidal for them.

I doiubt it will be suicidle. The console market has to give way at some point to ever increasing computing power and if not shorten the cycles (Which i think would have a worse effect) then its to give fully cross compatible teirs of the same console (as long as games arent given excclusivity to higher teirs) once the tech becomes cheap enough for these upgrades. Why would it bother anyone else if I choose to pay another 400 mid gen so I can play grantourismo at a higher resolution or take full advantage of my PSVR. Times are a changin and if consoles don't evolve closer to the way the smart phone market does then it will only see growth every second gen and only one brand will be left standing with a monopoly on the market and no competition to drive inovatation.

 It's 100% suicide. The console market DOES NOT have to give way at all.

Especially not to the ever increasing computing power of the PC market, you know why? Because it's always been like this.

 If you want to be on the leading edge of gaming graphics, get  PC.  It's always been like this, consoles exist because they are cheap and have longivity without upgrading.


And it DOES bother people when someone else pays $400 more to get more pixels, you know why? Because now you can see me better than I can see you at the same distance away, therefore you get an advantage in game.

 There something to be said for everyone gaming on the same CLOSED architecture. 

 You can't compare cell phone market to consoles, cell phones are subsidized through long term contracts. Most people are upgrading for $0. And honestly most people upgrade not out of necessity, not that they need a better gpu,  it but just to keep up with the jones and have the "latest" whatever. 

 Probably 2% of most phones computing power are being actually used, I mean just bringing up your Facebook page faster is not really a reason to upgrade.

John2290 said:

I strongly disagree with all of that. You facist.

- Moderated, Carl

This was completely uncalled for.

Because the thread essentially died with this silly insult post, I'm gonna lock it up.