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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your most unpopular opinion about gaming?

My most unpopular opinion? I'm sure this is massively unpopular, but, I don't like having what some might consider "badass" female characters in games that seem to "need no man", nor want any assistance, all the while looking incredibly frail, and possessing more than the average amount of physical beauty.

Evie in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate is a good example of this. So is Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. While not overly so, the subtle undertones of "girl power" are evident. While I don't mind this, I feel like they should at least look the part. It's been a while since I've seen the show, but in the books at least, Brienne of Tarth was the perfect example of a strong female character in Game of Thrones.

Naturally, an attractive, extremely small (physically) female character will be an easier sell to a male audience, and female players will want to play a female character, but it frustrates me.

Don't even get me started on the inaccuracies of period gender roles in AC: Syndicate. Which was a good game, by the by.

I wouldn't be surprised if this were to get many nay-sayers, and those dissenting, talking about physical strength not being all-important. Read: I don't care. I disagree with your points. It's not all-important, but it does matter. In the real world. Where we live.

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Call of Duty is a decent game that can be a lot of fun and halo 5 is the best halo game. 

BraLoD said:
Valdath said:
BraLoD said:
Valdath said:
Anime artstyle is the cancer of japanese video games.

Meanwhile SE is concerned about releasing a mainline Final Fantasy game the same day as Persona...

Anime artstyle if quite the great route Japan could take when most of the studio just can't even dream about competing with western studios budget and quality in graphics development. Wasn't for it Japan would be even worse than how it was last gen.

At what cost?

Literally every single japanese game with anime artstyle looks the same, they are all horrible.

Sure there is a middle ground between literal garbage like Etrian Odissey/compile hearts and stuff like Dragon Quest which imo looks great even if it's anime, because it's something more traditional and not as extreme, but still.

Jeez, try something new every once in a while, now even Fire Emblem went to the route of idol and in the process raped it's own IP with an abortion like "genei ubon ruko something".

But i guess this is what the market wants right, Persona, a japanese highschool simulator outsells mainline shin megami tensei.

Awakening and Fates are now becoming a waifu breeding simulator and it keeps selling more.

It's terrible for me because JRPGs are my favorite genre, it's like loving FPS and hating regenerative health.

I came to quote you to point the generalization and the lack of though behind it, but damn, the answer is way worse.


Lack of though? i just have a diferent opinion m8.

I think Halo, mario kart, and super mario 64 are bad games.

I think Nintendo is a crappy company with crappy games, and that they only rely on heavy Nostalgia from there Uber Loyal Fans, and if it weren't for those fans they would have bankrupted after (or even before) the GameCube. I also think that Nintendo has some of the most Unimaginative developers ever

Nintendo also nickel and dime more than any other Developer or Publisher out there with stuff like Pokemon in how you can't even get all of the pokemon if you don't have both versions of a game, also Amiibo's are worse than Season passes and i would put them on the Same lvl as MicroTransactions. Its just that People have their Nostalgia Glasses on and can only see all the goodies without the actual price.

And Worst of all Zelda is the most overrated Game series of all time.

Sega does what Nintendont .... I was a Sega kid :P

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I already posted, but I have another one:

I love swordfighters and FE characters in Smash.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

I know this isn't that unpopular, but it certainly isn't what a majority of people agree with. I'm generally pro-xbox. No, not crapgamer pro, I have nothing against Playstation. I've been to a few forums before, and the response is less than kind once I mention that.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

I think many of the now-classic PS1 games haven't aged particularly well.

Check out my art blog:

90% of JRPG's are trash

I regret making this my username, I made this name when I was 13 years old

Life could always get worse, you could be a mod for Neogaf

My worst opinion is that bad Japanese VAs can ruin a wonderful game and allow for the dubbed, cut version to appear superior to international releases...

Case in point, I prefer X360 ToV to PS3 ToV... and was shafted for saying it out loud in Gfaqs...