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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lets Be Friends! Christmas Edition

Hey sweet I'll add you Lumi_Fox! I sure like meeting new people

Actually I do want PSN friends so hmu @ TheReimMinister. I will play and probably beat you at any game you suggest


#1 Amb-ass-ador

Around the Network

I currently have no PSN friends , so add me if you want @ Mr_P2399. Currently trying to Platinum Batman: Arkham Knight.

Send a Friend Request On PSN :P

I am ohare82 across all three platforms (Wii U, XB1, PS4). If you add me just say you are from VGC so I know.

I have hard time remembering my name on my consoles. Let's see if I can remember....

3DS/Wii U: d21lewis
Vita/PS3/PS4: d21lewis
Xbox 360/Xbox One: d21lewis
Ouya: d21lewis

Well that was easier than I thought!! I don't play online much lately and I don't really chat but if you wanna be my friend, I accept any and all requests! My 3DS is probably full, though.

Cool idea for a thread!

I am a Nintendo fan, i have both a 3DS and WiiU, and i am currently playing Bayonetta 2 on WiiU and Etrian odyssey: Millenium girl on 3DS.

NNID: GabrielWP
3DS Friend Code: 3411-2049-9092

Everyone here is free to add me on both platforms, just be nice and respectfull. :)

Around the Network

Well, I'm Damianillo for anything Xbox related, but I'm Wrightillo for anything Sony related because some asshole had Damianillo taken there.


That being said, I can't remember my Nintendo ID, and I can't check it atm, but maybe I'll post it later :P

give me stars on all my mario maker levels and i might be your friend.

NNid is jason1637

Ka-pi96 said:
Wright said:

Well, I'm Damianillo for anything Xbox related, but I'm Wrightillo for anything Sony related because some asshole had Damianillo taken there.

That being said, I can't remember my Nintendo ID, and I can't check it atm, but maybe I'll post it later :P

Wouldn't it be funny if you were the one that created that account years ago and just forgot about it?

No, that'd mean I have a dissociative identity or something xD

I'm apparently racist against Japanese games, so I guess your club wouldn't allow me to join. Tis a shame. I wish you luck in your endeavors Vs.

Edit: Shit's in my sig if you want to add me.">"><img src="