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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rocket League with 5 Million downloads since launch!

For some context. Smite just announced 10 million players. That's players not downloads.

Smite is genuinely free to download and play, it's been on PC since about 2012 (only came off beta in 2014), and it's been on Xb one open beta for a few months, closed beta on Xb one last year I think. we have 4 Smite accounts in my house, and lots of people have multiple accounts. So Smite has definitely not been downloaded 10 million times. It has also had a world championship in January this year. Pretty sure on Xb one Smite does not require a gold sub to download or play, though I might be wrong about the gold sub for play, can anyone confirm?.

Rocket league, a free but not really free game on one platform, and a directly paid for game on the other platform has taken less than a month to achieve half the downloads as an actual free game has accumulated total number of players over almost 3 years.

Rocket League is kart soccer. Karting is a popular game genre, which also happens to be sorely missing from PS4 right now, and soccer (association football) is the most popular sport in the world. I think a lot of the success of Rocket League is about achieving an excellent synergy between karting and soccer, more than simply being a very good game and "free" on PSN+. Games that can be objectively judged, somehow, to be great or excellent don't always sell in proportion to their objective greatness, this is because some great games have very limited inherent audience appeal. A game like Rocket League has a high inherent audience appeal independent of any other factors that contribute to success.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


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Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

binary solo said:
starcraft said:

I have often been curious about the payment model used for PS+ and Xbox Games with Gold.

I'd have thought it would be much more likely that Sony/MS would just offer up a flat fee up front (varying depending on the nature of the game, how long its been out, pedigree of the developer etc).

@ Everyone else.

Guys, its pretty self-evident that:

1. The game is pretty good.

2. The excellent sales are in large part due to it being offered through the PS+ scheme.

I really don't see that its necessary to get too far off-track debating which of those points is most relevant, they are not mutually exclusive.

It could be a mix: We'll pay you $2 million up front to put (new release game) on PSN+ / XBLGwG, if it reaches benchmark A we'll give you another million and we'll give you another million for each of benchmarks B, C, D and E. We'll talk some more if it reaches benchmark F and beyond.

I think Rocket league must be getting close to benchmark F. It certainly seems like Psyonix wasn't expecting this level of success, so if there are bonus benchmarks they are probably relatively modest. I just hope Psyonix had enough confidence in the game to put in some highly ambitious benchmarks, and I hope Sony was sufficiently generous or [more likely] sceptical of it reaching the ambitious benchmarks to agree.

You might be right. It'd be great to know though.

That said, I don't believe it would be enormous amounts, particularly for indies. These programs need to be sustainable for Sony/MS.

It would be nice if there was some sort of incentivised system (i.e. it helps for your game to be good and for you to support it post launch).

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I wish I was unemployed so I could play this game more often :(

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Glad to see my favorite user didn't disappoint in this thread. He really outdid himself.

Rocket League is such a fun time it's fantastic. Simple concept, amazing fun with great replayability and most importantly SPLITSCREEN!!!!

The first game on ps3 was practically unkown, because of ps+ this game got so much more exposure and I doubt it would be at the top of the steam charts if it wasn't for all the good publicity it recieved through ps+.

I'm sure Psyonix are very very pleased with there decision to release this game through ps+. They were really struggling to find a publisher during the development of this title which I was loosely following a couple of years ago. Seems they decided to self publish in the end but with PS+ they got all the marketing they could ever need, without a publisher backing them.

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The amount of comments trying to deny the fact that the game was downloaded 4.5 milions of times on ps4 because it was free it offends me, stupidity at this levels is just offensive.

Of course the game is good, is indeed very good for what it is, but of course it wouldn´t have sold not even a 10% of this sales not being free, is freaking logic, L - O - G - I - C

Trying to use the numbers as a statement of the quality is just pathetic, and trying to deny the real reason of the vast majority of those sales shows a level of insane blindness or just a very low IQ.

I would have never downloaded it if it wasn't free for rent on PS+. Just because I downloaded it doesn't mean I like it or not either. I have hundreds of games downloaded and never played on 360/PS3/PS4/Bone/Steam. Just add this one to the backlog. Yay for free games and sales.


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so much downplaying here, lol. some people are pissed at this game being such a success.

game is fantastic and deserves all the success its gotten. me and my brothers cant stop playing. already over 177 games played.

I'll play it eventually...

Look at how many xbox fans are asking for the game.