Nintendo are really starting to annoy me
This must be "everyone say something stupid about your competitor" week.
Vita has few home console style retail titles coming (and has suspend mode for those that are), certainly no more so than the 3DS does. And the 3DS' best performers are no longer Nintendogs and Brain Training but console style games like Mario and Mario Kart and Monster Hunter, which seem more poorly suited to Moffitt's scenario than games like Hotline Miami and Spelunky.
i actually agree with Moffit, and i believe Nintendo's strategy is a million times better.
For the moment he's wrong. If in a year or two Vita is just remote play, then yah what he says is very true.
However most of the Vita's games are indeed modified and designed to be played in short sessions. Even Killzone: Mercenary which looks like a AAA console game had everything overhauled into shorter bite sized packets.
007BondAgent said: Nintendo are really starting to annoy me |
badgenome said: This must be "everyone say something stupid about your competitor" week. |
Quoted because its true.
007BondAgent said: Nintendo are really starting to annoy me |
Why? Moffitt just explained that Sony and Nintendo have different strategies for their handheld systems, which is true. It's not like he said anything insulting.
forest-spirit said: Why? Moffitt just explained that Sony and Nintendo have different strategies for their handheld systems, which is true. It's not like he said anything insulting. |
It's not insulting. But it's not true, either. This isn't the DS vs. the PSP. The 3DS and Vita have remarkably similar offerings when it comes to the size and scope of their games. If anything, Nintendo seems to (perhaps consciously, as a pushback against cheap, disposable smartphone games) be going with meatier games on the 3DS. A lot of the library is just straight up ports of old console games. Whereas the Vita, probably more out of a necessity to have some games, any games, than out of some kind of "vision" on Sony's part, has morphed into an indie game wonderland.
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