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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EVERY Nintendo published WiiU game shown at E3 will be 1080p60fps.

I don't believe for a second that X will be 60fps.

Bayonetta and Smash will obviously, but X? Nooooo.

Monster Hunter 3 was running 60fps on showfloors at gamescon too. What we got was 45-48fps. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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That is a pretty incredible claim, especially for something as ambitious as X.

Have to call "believe when Digital Foundry/whoever analyzes it" here.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

if true then thats great!

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That's actually really great news.

DieAppleDie said:
i dont think so, 1080p60 fps maybe in Marios, Kart, Donkey etc.

X, Bayo2....impossible

Bayonetta 2 is 60 FPS ;)

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KHlover said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Awesomes! Can't wait to see these games myself later today, namely Mario Kart 8! ^_^

You lucky bastard! I don't understand why Nintendo can't make the demos additionally aviable at the eshop '*(

That wouldn't do much towards getting more people interested in Wii U.

Impossibru!!! Wii U can't even run frostbite 2, it's been proven.

Hey, thanks for the reminder, Einsam, I just realized I could try them out too! I'd really like to see 3DWorld in action. I think it will exceed my now lowered expectations.

Wii U has decent next-Gen power, way more than detractors give it credit.

I doubt that X will be more than 30FPS. Bayonetta 2 will undoubtedly be at 60FPS.

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Einsam_Delphin said:
KHlover said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Awesomes! Can't wait to see these games myself later today, namely Mario Kart 8! ^_^

You lucky bastard! I don't understand why Nintendo can't make the demos additionally aviable at the eshop '*(

That wouldn't do much towards getting more people interested in Wii U.

It would allow me to fix my need for these demos! At least they could have done a similar event in Germany and the UK, aka the biggest gaming markets outside of the US.

Well, I remember Lilbroex claimed every third party title coming for Wii U's launch will also be 1080p60, he even said he had seen them running, we all know how that turned out. So I'll wait until they are released. If true, then definitely good.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!