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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Castle of Illusion Remake coming this summer!

Mickey Mouse is returning to star in Castle of Illusion, a fantastical HD reimagining of the classic Sega Mega Drive game. The game is scheduled to release in summer of 2013.


We know that Castle of Illusion has a special place in many gamers’ hearts and Sega Studios Australia is putting lots of care into this new 2D/3D game. Our plan is to deliver a fully reimagined experience that takes advantage of the power of PS3 with all new graphics and new adventures, while at the same time making sure that the game maintains the Disney magic that the original Castle of Illusion captured in 1990.

We have also been working very closely with the director of the original game, who is now at Disney Interactive. We are having a blast working with her to realise many of the elements that were intended for the original game, but couldn’t be achieved until now due to the technical limitations of previous generation consoles. If you have played the original game, you will also see that we have kept intact many of the major iconic elements of the game that helped define this groundbreaking game at the time of its original release.

Look out for our developer interviews and behind the scenes videos soon, as the Sega Studios Australia team and members of the original game development team share their experience working on Castle of Illusion.


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Surprised that they seem to be announcing this on the PS Blog. Would be even more surprised if it were only coming out on PS3, since that would make very little sense.

Fair play to it though, looks pretty nice.

Sony's being a mickey mouse fan lately.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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lol PS3 exclusive?

Hope it comes out on the Vita aswell. I got the original for game gear. I would relieve those memories on portable format.

Nem said:
lol PS3 exclusive?

Hope it comes out on the Vita aswell. I got the original for game gear. I would relieve those memories on portable format.

lol yeah, if anything this should be a vita exclusive.  wtf sony, wtf.


anyways, looks good.

Around the Network

Sega just announced it is releasing on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and Steam. No PS Vita or Wii U mentioned... even though both platforms were included in official Brazilian classification ratings.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

You have to remember epic mickey 2 is coming to vita, I dont think they want the two to clash...even though illusion is clearly the better of the two.

It was a great megadrive game, the only problem it had was the difficulty level. It was a really easy game, as a 10 years old I finished it on less than 5 hours. I hope they make it much harder.

PS: Yay, steam!


It was one of the best games on the Genesis, imo.

And here ( you can see logos for PS3, 360 and Steam, but no Wii U..what gives?

*looks at screenshots* Dat nostalgia..