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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Adam Orth, Microsoft Creative Director Deletes LinkedIn Account

Adam Orth, a Microsoft Games Studios creative director who caused a massive row on Twitter, Neogaf and several other gaming websites when he dismissed ‘Always Online’ DRM as a major issue in gaming, has now not only protected his tweets on Twitter, but has also removed his account from the professional network, LinkedIn. Orth’s profile, which appears to have been removed in the last few days at most, linked the man to Microsoft, which is probably why it has now been removed.

It’s unknown whether he as forced to remove it from the professional social network by his superiors, in order for Microsoft to try and disassociate themselves with Orth’s comments, as well as the backlash that followed, or whether Orth decided to remove it himself. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the former, and although Microsoft has yet to announce that Adam is still with the company or not, it is looking more and more likely that he will be fired over his ill-thought out comments.

If you want to see the graveyard that is Adam Orth’s LinkedIn profile, you can find it here.

So there you have it, they guy seems to have been fired. I'm not supportive of what he said, but it's kinda sad to lose your job over something like this, especially in these time, as i'm sure other game developers will not hire him as easily now, with his image and all.

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Well he got what he deserved! After all he is/was working for Microsoft and whethr or not those rumors were true or not he is talking about a product which the MS executives have decided not to talk about yet. So this is probably going against the code of condut, NDA and all those policies that they have about unannouncd products and therefor he may haave been terminated or "punished", being adouxhe didnt help him either.

Serves him right. Better think next time.

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Coward can't deal with the consequences of his actions

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Poor guy.

The douchebag never even apologized for his comments. Sucks to see anyone lose their job but in this case he deserved it.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

If he is fired it wouldn't be the first. A guy got fired for driving through a Chick-fil-a and filming himself order a water and calling the place a hateful restuarant. He kept cool and didn't even say anything bad. The fact remains when you are working for a company you represent it to some degree and your actions reflect on it good and bad.

If fired it confirms that Microsoft is doing always online drm. Hope he keeps his job!