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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MASSIVE rumor list (PS4, neXtBox,WiiU,new games, prices, dates,etc)

Wow hope these rumors are true. If so next E3 will be insane

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Its hard what to believe sometimes, theres new rumours everyday about the next gen, and so far nothing has been said by either Microsoft or Sony.

BenVTrigger said:
Wow hope these rumors are true. If so next E3 will be insane

BEST E3 EVER!!! lol This years E3 kind of sucked. 


E3 will be massive next year thats for sure. Im already at the station waiting to board the hype train.

I refuse to get excited, Its too early for this sh*t. Software wise I'm excited for Fable 4, Legacy of Kain, Media molecules Omni title, Agni's Philosyphy, Retro title and Mario 3D. Oh and Pokemon. Guess I'm going to be getting all 3 systems by late 2014 to make sure I get all the games I want. I was just dreaming of a new Legacy of Kain as well ^_^

Didn't hear anything exciting for Vita, like Sony buying the Digimon IP.

Not sure how I feel about the Omni and Xbox only being 2-6x more powerfull then the wii U. Will that leap allow for CGI quality graphics?

I swear I'm not reading anymore of these articles till its spring 2013 and e3 is on th horizon.

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leo-j said:
microsoft launching at $499 would be suicide.. so no

PS4 launching at $349 and months earlier than the 360 would make them #1 again in an instant..

I doubt microsoft would launch at $499

I wouldn't mind if the PS 4 rumours were true.. except for maybe the name... and hopefully it's more than just 2x more powerful than Wii u, 2x is a lot though

Microsoft is going to most likely use a $99-199 console alternative and you pay it off through Xbox Live.

- Activison has two teams working on Modern Warfare 4 with Infinity Ward making the Omni/Nextbox version a launch title using (or similar tech to) Unreal Engine 4 and Treyarch working on Wii U/360/PS3/Ouya editions.

This is somewhat concerning about different engine for WiiU. However has infity ward ever done a COD for Nintendo? or has Treyarch always taken on the task? I also wonder if there will be a backlash from fans that IW are not making the 360 and PS3 versions as I doubt majority of them will go out and buy the next gen consoles day 1 just to play COD.

Also the UE4 demo we saw took so many months to make and EPIC did say cost developemnts will go significantly up. I wonder if UE4 on the consoles will use the full feature set or be scaled considerable back compared to PC.



After seeing the Sony Prototype-SR I can't wait for the Omni headset. Games will be amazing. Also it seems Gaikai will bring PS3 games to Vita, sweet.

Nintendo seems to be doing good like usual.

Microsoft seems too happy with kinect. I have a big living room but even then I had issues with being too close for two player on Kinect. In my dorm (actually my dorm is huge with tons of space) kinect is impractical. It is annoying, but it's doable. Now with this new wall projection the issues seem to be worse. When the system works it will be amazing but it will be a pain to get working. For example I have my walls decorated like most Americans. Microsoft is so pleased with kinect that they expect consumers to bend over backwards to get this new feature. Risky but it might make billions.

wow thats alot of rumors there lol