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I refuse to get excited, Its too early for this sh*t. Software wise I'm excited for Fable 4, Legacy of Kain, Media molecules Omni title, Agni's Philosyphy, Retro title and Mario 3D. Oh and Pokemon. Guess I'm going to be getting all 3 systems by late 2014 to make sure I get all the games I want. I was just dreaming of a new Legacy of Kain as well ^_^

Didn't hear anything exciting for Vita, like Sony buying the Digimon IP.

Not sure how I feel about the Omni and Xbox only being 2-6x more powerfull then the wii U. Will that leap allow for CGI quality graphics?

I swear I'm not reading anymore of these articles till its spring 2013 and e3 is on th horizon.