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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For 300,000 signatures Crytek will release TimeSplitters HD collection

As we all know, TimeSplitters 4 is long overdue. Free Radical collapsed in 2009 and has been bought by Crytek UK which have since left TimeSplitters 4 in the ground. The CEO of Crytek has said that they would love to make a new game, but they don't know how well it would sell in todays industry.

Thats where this petition comes in, the CEO Cevat Yerli also said that if there was enough demand, they would perhaps make a new game. What better way than a new HD collection of all the original games for the PS3 and Xbox 360 to test the waters? if you would like to see this made, then spread and share! 

Its Time to Split!

Dear Cevat Yerli,

I have just signed a petition for a TimeSplitters HD collection to be made.


[Your name]


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Already runs 30 days and only 20k people signed it ? Doesn't look so good.

Num didn't they say that we'll have a new TimeSplitters game if there was 100,000 likes on facebook or something? How is that working out.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

TimeSplitters 4 is waaay overdue, but an HD collection doesn't do much for me. But if it helps generate sales and momentum, and somehow inspires a true sequel, then let's make it happen!

Barozi said:
Already runs 30 days and only 20k people signed it ? Doesn't look so good.

It was 5,000 about an hour ago, before it hit reddit.

Also, he doesn't say that 300k signatures will make the game, he said he'll use it in front of the decision makers to show the demand for it:

Link to the article that's taken from:

Regardless, signed.  A small chance at getting Timesplitters HD Collection is better than no chance at all.

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how about make a new timesplitters?

Thing is its such an anoying way to go about it, there are so many people out there who would love another time splitters but doesnt realize this petition exists

since yerli is an idiot that does anything to get a headline i wouldn't bet on it even if it reaches 300'000.

but lets give it a try anyway...

Maybe they'll make part 4 if enough people sign this......well a guy can dream.

Nobody cares about Timesplitters anymore.