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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Do U Hate PS3 (or Sony)??

I don't hate the PS3, I just hate SONY marketing because they are a bunch of dumb asses.

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I don't always want new IPs. I'd be pretty happy with the current franchises

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

I hate Sony's PR at the end of its supreme rule. Thankfully that's over. They are much better now.
I hate the attitudes of some of their fans, pretentious it's depressing. Some are surprisingly good though, and I lift my hat off to some (you know who you are), even though sometimes they slip to the dark side every now and then, but that's understandable.

I hate Sony because destroy Crash Bandicoot, give me Crash or give me death!!!

Nintendo and PC gamer

dahuman said:
I don't hate the PS3, I just hate SONY marketing because they are a bunch of dumb asses.

How could you hate marketing that has brought us some of the funniest, scariest, and weirdest stunts to date? I understand it's generally thought of as bad marketing, but I love that PS3 baby commercial. I love it in a scared way.


My only major gripe with Sony and the PS3 is that they took out backwards compatability with the PS3. I still have one of the early models with full disc BC and I rarely play it because I know it's going to die soon and I don't want it to.


Also i dislike their PR 98% of the time.

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zero129 said:
mysticwolf said:
I don't always want new IPs. I'd be pretty happy with the current franchises

But wouldnt you get bored of the same thing after awhile??.

I still haven't played all the good games out there, as I've only had my PS3 a year. So, for me, there is still plenty of new stuff.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

zero129 said:
happydolphin said:
I hate Sony's PR at the end of its supreme rule. Thankfully that's over. They are much better now.
I hate the attitudes of some of their fans, pretentious it's depressing. Some are surprisingly good though, and I lift my hat off to some (you know who you are), even though sometimes they slip to the dark side every now and then, but that's understandable.

But couldnt the same be said about a lot of companys and fans of them companys?

PR - no.

Pretention - no.

Obnoxiousness of fans - yes.

Because they have a lot of new Ip's and great third party support.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

zero129 said:
happydolphin said:
I hate Sony's PR at the end of its supreme rule. Thankfully that's over. They are much better now.
I hate the attitudes of some of their fans, pretentious it's depressing. Some are surprisingly good though, and I lift my hat off to some (you know who you are), even though sometimes they slip to the dark side every now and then, but that's understandable.

But couldnt the same be said about a lot of companys and fans of them companys?

Sony is like a hot wife who's the biggest dumb ass that can't keep her mouth shut but is extremely good in bed. Nintendo is really good at cooking, that's generally a keeper. Microsoft just wants your money.

I like all the console makers, I don't hate any. If I had to choose a favorite, this gen it would be Sony and least would be Microsoft.