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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo responds to Xenoblade's localization efforts (along with Monolithsoft, Mistwalker)

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VXIII said:
Fab_GS said:


That's my banner XD

You banner creating machine!


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I don't have any of the things to join the campaign...oh well, as I personally don't really care for any of those games I still hope you guys get what you want LOL. What I would be asking for is the Fatal Frame 2 Remake. I am a big horror fan and I never played Fatal Frame 2 which many people say is one of the scariest games of all Nintendo is publishing a Remake and doesn't want to release it here...makes me sad LOL.

I can't really complain though as they release a lot of other great games over here.

Mr Khan said:
Joelcool7 said:

Alright nobody should expect a thing, 6,000 individuals posting isn't that much. had over 30,000 signatures and sent the petition to Nintendo and guess what Miyamoto had this to say "You might not know this, but there was a petition in the US, a 'Please make Mother 3' petition and it got about 30,000 signatures! After that, we thought "Wow... Earthbound fans are really solid.""

30,000 signatures including my own and Nintendo still didn't localize Mother 3. Nintendo isn't one to listen to petitions or out cries they want to see good sales figures. Apparently EarthBound never sold well enough in North America so despite 30,000 signatures Nintendo still didn't bring Mother 3 to North America.

If Nintendo ignored 30,000 signatures then they will likely ignore these comments. Also those 30,000 were for a single game. These comments are about three. What are the chances Nintendo is going to localize three games when they wouldn't localize one of their best performing RPG's?

30,000 signatures is nothing people could really see, though. What's happening now is that the fans are hitting them in the public sphere; flooding their facebook, twitter, their YouTube comments. This gets Nintendo's attention quicker because its not just 30,000 nerds stacking together in a list that no-one but them knows or cares about, this could become a PR nightmare if Nintendo ignores this

lets be honest here, 30,000 vs. 6,000??? with that few people, i doubt this will do anything, youtube or not, not enough nerds

Nintendo will have a comment on @OpRainfall "Missing Wii games" movement later today. Stay tuned to @IGN and well have it for you. #myign


What can we expect?

adsl said:
Nintendo will have a comment on @OpRainfall "Missing Wii games" movement later today. Stay tuned to @IGN and well have it for you. #myign


What can we expect?

The plot thickens. Someone will keep us posted, hopefully, as i've got a busy day today...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Nintendo better give some positive answers. I can't believe that America is Wii's strongest region when NoA is so crappy...If only Wii could fall below 10k in America; then maybe (maybe ) NoA would wake up.

Soriku said:
oniyide said:

lets be honest here, 30,000 vs. 6,000??? with that few people, i doubt this will do anything, youtube or not, not enough nerds

Where are you getting this 6000 number from? Not to mention how many of those signatures are from the same person...

This isn't just about whether they want to release the game or not anymore, if they don't respond positively this is going to seriously hurt Nintendo's core gaming image when they're trying to win back the core gamer with the Wii U.

just referencing what another poster said, im not disagreeing with u, but alot of things Ninty has done has not made sense

A 30,000-signature online petition can be faked by ONE person. Letters from thousands of people all across North America, thousands of posts mostly from unique Facebook accounts, and dozens of gaming websites who have reported as being involved in the event... that's a lot easier to prove to be legitimate.

This movement holds a LOT more credibility and legitimacy than the Mother 3 petition. It also holds a far greater public image that's a lot harder for Nintendo to deny. No, things look much better this time around.


thetonestarr said:
A 30,000-signature online petition can be faked by ONE person. Letters from thousands of people all across North America, thousands of posts mostly from unique Facebook accounts, and dozens of gaming websites who have reported as being involved in the event... that's a lot easier to prove to be legitimate.

This movement holds a LOT more credibility and legitimacy than the Mother 3 petition. It also holds a far greater public image that's a lot harder for Nintendo to deny. No, things look much better this time around.

Exactly. One petition collected on god-knows-what site (not to disparage, but kinda...) that was only really known on that site, versus four of the most prominent websites on the internet: Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

"@OpRainfall Thanks for being such incredible fans! Unfortunately, there continues to be no plans for NOA to release these 3 games right now."
