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Forums - Sales Discussion - GDC 2011: Israel console install base

I can't read because the language:

* The 360 numbers are imported so it was tracked in another country.

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Wait, so consoles are hardcore and handhelds are casual? Wut?

Above: still the best game of the year.

whoa PC

they must love Battlefield 2/ArmA etc

trasharmdsister12 said:

 What's with including a section of "hacked" 360's?

I see that too... 20% of 360 runing pirated games in Israel confirmed LOL LOL LOL.

I guess here in Brazil it was more like 99% .

Israeli gamers don't know anything about game consoles. Looks like they are all PC gamers anyways. Where's the DS? lol!! These graphs are hilarious. Microsoft doesn't sell XBox 360's to Israeli and I can see why. They will only sell their console to countries that have REAL gamers. Funny stuff. I got a good chuckle. Thanks.

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I bet the hacked consoles are from south americans on shnat or aliyah

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

Looks like our israeli friends are hardcore PC gamers. Nice, more power to them. :D

As an Israeli, this is not exactly correct...

Where are the 100k hacked PSP's? The other 30k of hacked 360's? The 249999 hacked PS2's?

Kidding, kidding. But there should be more in the "hacked" graphs. There is no DS simply because the only DS here is my own. The PSP dominates this country so much that it's not even funny.

DS is trapped in limbo between hardcore and casual

RolStoppable said:

Interesting graphs.

DS is missing in the handheld graph, because it's not a casual gaming system. Wii leads this generation in terms of hardcore gaming consoles.

In other words, this means the Wii is the most hardcore system.

Above: still the best game of the year.