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Forums - General Discussion - Apple granted patents for glasses-free, multi-viewer 3D system

Apple granted patents for glasses-free, multi-viewer 3D system, colorful keyboard backlighting

We've seen a few Apple 3D patents before, but this latest IP portfolio addition shows Cupertino has clearly been thinking differently. At its core the system involves a screen, projector, sensor, and a 3D imager, which work together to allow multiple viewers to perceive 3D images from nearly any position in a room without glasses. This flexible autostereoscopic 3D effect is achieved by tracking user's positions and projecting pixels onto a reflective, textured surface that then bounces separate images into the left and right eye. Virtual interaction methods with the 3D projections are also described in the document, implying the technology has aspirations beyond passive viewing.

Speaking of aspirations, Apple's approach clearly seeks to fix many common 3D issues at once. The most obvious is literally taking 3D glasses of the picture -- which we firmly support. On the flip side, the design addresses common faults with current glasses-free options too such as: ghosting and narrow viewing angles, while still keeping commercial viability in mind. That sounds magical to us, but considering the patent was filed back in 2006, we still expect 3D to be handled the old fashion way for quite a while to come.

While we're on the subject of patents, a handful more popped in by way of Apple related to keyboard backlighting. Think multiple colors, individually lit, customizable by the user or automated based on environmental conditions and you get the gist. Hey, if it means a return for the Bondi Blue late 90's iMac design (with bright, matching keyboards), then we're excited. But it doesn't.
The Register, Apple Insider

USPTO (1), (2), (3)

Haters are gonna hate but I really would like to see what they can come up with i3D..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Apple and Nintendo are so far ahead in my book in innovation and design.  I am always waiting in anticipation to what either one these companies is going to do next.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

As awesome as multi-viewer autostereoscopic TV would be, this whole system seems way too elaborate to be ready for market anytime soon. Special screen, special projector, extremely accurate sensors, and no small amount of processing to tie it all togther? Neither cheap, nor simple.

2015 at the earliest, probably closer to 2020.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Holy crap look at how small that guy is compared to that 3D geeky complex thingie on the right!

PullusPardus said:

Holy crap look at how small that guy is compared to that 3D geeky complex thingie on the right!


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I'd buy something like that,if they could make it more simple. lol

iBlah said:
PullusPardus said:

Holy crap look at how small that guy is compared to that 3D geeky complex thingie on the right!


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I must say that looks pretty good. $1000000 APPLE GAMING DEVICE CONFIRMED!

Yeah i know my spelling sucks but im dysgraphic so live with it :3    


Conegamer - I say that the PS3 will beat the DS next week in Japan  (for hardware sales) Forfeit is control over others avatar for 1 week.

iBlah said:
PullusPardus said:

Holy crap look at how small that guy is compared to that 3D geeky complex thingie on the right!


Size Matters

LOL. iPenis FTW!