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Nintendo recently said that they are maing a nfc (near-field communication) game for wii u. The game is scheduled for a release later this year.


Now, what game could this be. Well everything, really. It could be a new IP, it could be another mario spinoff. But we all think the same. Pokemon. The question is really, if they made a nfc pokemon game, that played like skylanders, how much would that game sell? Could it come close to the main games?


We know that activision are making tons of money from skylanders, but the series have "only" sold 7.78 millions. A nfc pokemon game, that is rightfully advertised, should be more than capable of beating that in one shot. And if they release it to good reviews with a bit of advertisement this holiday, then I firmly believe that it will be the "super mario 3d land" of wii u.


What do you think?