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Forums - Movies & TV - Spider-Man no longer in the MCU after disagreement between Sony and Disney (UPDATE #2): Sony releases statement

DonFerrari said:
RaptorChrist said:

What is Sony's role in these movies? I haven't watched many of the MCU movies and I don't know the details here, but isn't Disney doing the work to make the films? And Sony is making money for owning the IP? I assume I'm wrong about that, as I don't see people calling Disney greedy if that were the case, but at least that was my understanding?

Or do you think Disney is greedy because they initially struck a deal but now want more money than before?

Just trying to understand if the opinions I'm seeing are biased or legit.

Sony doesn't have a role in the Avengers movies. Sony doesn't make a cent from the use of Spider-Man on the movies.

Disney make money of the Spider Man movie even though they don't participate in it, they take all the money on the merchandise and wanted to make more money on the movie by forcing Sony to allow them to participate on it. So they were butting in and demanding more, and want to be seem as good guys in it.

colafitte said:

Another thing that pisses me off is people saying Sony wouldn't be able to reach this level of success with Spiderman on their own without Disney. They have no fucking clue about what they're talking.

When you adjust the inflation to current days, the original trilogy was way more profitable than MCU films in USA. You can absolutely say that all of them would've been 1100-1300M movies worldwide, and this was in a time when the asian market was not as important as is today, because then, those movies could've been 1500M or more easily.

Homecoming did barely better than the first Garfield movie. It can be said that the only Sony Spiderman movie that really "bombed" was  second one. 

When a movie like Venom, with all the bad press it received, made 860M worldwide...., come on...., of course a new only Sony Spiderman movie can make more than 1000M. 

Being clueless is part of being human. And hating Sony and faulting it for everything (and also taking any merit for any success) is a common place in VGC.

And I'll say I liked the original trilogy more than the Tom Holland one, he is just to dumb, well no only him but other heroes involved in the movie were all turned dumb (even though said to be genius of all type). I just hate entertainment that say a char is brilliant but fail to see even the obvious all the time, and almost always are less smart than myself.

Yes, i feel the same. The first 2 Raimi movies are full of classic scenes. Spider-Man 2 is in fact, is my favorite superhero movie, it has such a heart that no super hero movie after that one has reached to me.

Tom Holland is a funny guy, i like him in fact, but his Peter/Spiderman has never worked for me. He is by far the most incompetent Spiderman i've seen. He just makes mistakes after mistakes and i always have the feeling he is always a step behind against anyone. I always envisioned Spiderman as the smartest guy in the room, always prepared to every circumstance. Peter can be a loser, but Spiderman has to be "Amazing".

The last one had an amazing pair of scenes with Mysterio, but besides that, everytime i see this MCU Spiderman, i feel......second class super hero. 

DonFerrari said:

Sony doesn't have a role in the Avengers movies. Sony doesn't make a cent from the use of Spider-Man on the movies.

Disney make money of the Spider Man movie even though they don't participate in it, they take all the money on the merchandise and wanted to make more money on the movie by forcing Sony to allow them to participate on it. So they were butting in and demanding more, and want to be seem as good guys in it.

Did I read that right? I thought someone said that Sony made 1.1 billion on a Spider-man movie that Disney made, and Disney wanted more. This doesn't seem accurate.

Everyone is in chaos, and all I'm thinking is we can finally have a venom vs Spiderman movie 😂

RaptorChrist said:
DonFerrari said:

Sony doesn't have a role in the Avengers movies. Sony doesn't make a cent from the use of Spider-Man on the movies.

Disney make money of the Spider Man movie even though they don't participate in it, they take all the money on the merchandise and wanted to make more money on the movie by forcing Sony to allow them to participate on it. So they were butting in and demanding more, and want to be seem as good guys in it.

Did I read that right? I thought someone said that Sony made 1.1 billion on a Spider-man movie that Disney *they themselves made, and Disney wanted more. This doesn't seem accurate.

You read it WRONG :P

Sony made 1.1bn on their own Spiderman movie  (we re not talking about avengers or the like here).
Not something disney makes.

Basically Sony does all the hard work, makeing the entire movie, putting in the risk (capital/funding) and production ect.
And disney comes along and says "give us 50%" (or we take away your movie director + wont allow spiderman in MCU movies anymore).

This isnt about the MCU, but the Spiderman movies that Sony themselves make.
Disney wants 50% of the profits sony makes on them..... dispite Sony owning the IP and doing everything themselves for the movie.

Disney is basically bullying them for no reason, when its clear they dont deserve to just magically get 50% of the profits for no reason.
Yet in this thread, you see people writeing "screw sony" ect. and sideing with Disney.

colafitte said:
DonFerrari said:

Sony doesn't have a role in the Avengers movies. Sony doesn't make a cent from the use of Spider-Man on the movies.

Disney make money of the Spider Man movie even though they don't participate in it, they take all the money on the merchandise and wanted to make more money on the movie by forcing Sony to allow them to participate on it. So they were butting in and demanding more, and want to be seem as good guys in it.

Being clueless is part of being human. And hating Sony and faulting it for everything (and also taking any merit for any success) is a common place in VGC.

And I'll say I liked the original trilogy more than the Tom Holland one, he is just to dumb, well no only him but other heroes involved in the movie were all turned dumb (even though said to be genius of all type). I just hate entertainment that say a char is brilliant but fail to see even the obvious all the time, and almost always are less smart than myself.

Yes, i feel the same. The first 2 Raimi movies are full of classic scenes. Spider-Man 2 is in fact, is my favorite superhero movie, it has such a heart that no super hero movie after that one has reached to me.

Tom Holland is a funny guy, i like him in fact, but his Peter/Spiderman has never worked for me. He is by far the most incompetent Spiderman i've seen. He just makes mistakes after mistakes and i always have the feeling he is always a step behind against anyone. I always envisioned Spiderman as the smartest guy in the room, always prepared to every circumstance. Peter can be a loser, but Spiderman has to be "Amazing".

The last one had an amazing pair of scenes with Mysterio, but besides that, everytime i see this MCU Spiderman, i feel......second class super hero. 

Yep I gave good laughs on the SM Tom Holland, but he is a very inferior Peter Parker and SM. Even Morales on the spiderverse is a more competent spider.

I get that they are showing he still a teenager learning about the world and being a hero, that he is very naive and all. But they are taking their sweet time making Spider a dumb joke hero.

The scenes and battles have been great, story and intelligence nope.

RaptorChrist said:
DonFerrari said:

Sony doesn't have a role in the Avengers movies. Sony doesn't make a cent from the use of Spider-Man on the movies.

Disney make money of the Spider Man movie even though they don't participate in it, they take all the money on the merchandise and wanted to make more money on the movie by forcing Sony to allow them to participate on it. So they were butting in and demanding more, and want to be seem as good guys in it.

Did I read that right? I thought someone said that Sony made 1.1 billion on a Spider-man movie that Disney made, and Disney wanted more. This doesn't seem accurate.

You read wrong. If you get confused just read what I wrote again.

Sony made the movie that earned 1.1B and because it made a lot of money Disney want to have half of it without really giving anything (like a participation on the making or profits of MCU movies). They get all the merchandise money of the movie Sony makes, they get 5% profit of the movies they didn't make, they get the S-M on the MCU movies without having to pay anything for it and Sony is wrong for not wanting to give then even more money.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

JRPGfan said:
RaptorChrist said:

Did I read that right? I thought someone said that Sony made 1.1 billion on a Spider-man movie that Disney *they themselves made, and Disney wanted more. This doesn't seem accurate.

You read it WRONG :P

Sony made 1.1bn on their own Spiderman movie  (we re not talking about avengers or the like here).
Not something disney makes.

Basically Sony does all the hard work, makeing the entire movie, putting in the risk (capital/funding) and production ect.
And disney comes along and says "give us 50%" (or we take away your movie director + wont allow spiderman in MCU movies anymore).

This isnt about the MCU, but the Spiderman movies that Sony themselves make.
Disney wants 50% of the profits sony makes on them..... dispite Sony owning the IP and doing everything themselves for the movie.

Disney is basically bullying them for no reason, when its clear they dont deserve to just magically get 50% of the profits for no reason.
Yet in this thread, you see people writeing "screw sony" ect. and sideing with Disney.

I see where my confusion came from...

Disney saw Sony makeing $1.1bn on their last Spiderman movie and their like "we want half of the next movie you do", if we help you with the director + MCU appearences of Spiderman.

You used "their" to refer to two different subjects in the same sentence, so I inferred that it was Disney's Spiderman movie. :P

Anyways, yeah, it's a shame that the superheroes can't all be together, and it seems like this doesn't bode well for Spidey fans. I don't watch much of the superhero movies but it's still interesting to me nonetheless.

JRPGfan said:

You read it WRONG :P

Sony made 1.1bn on their own Spiderman movie  (we re not talking about avengers or the like here).
Not something disney makes.

Basically Sony does all the hard work, makeing the entire movie, putting in the risk (capital/funding) and production ect.
And disney comes along and says "give us 50%" (or we take away your movie director + wont allow spiderman in MCU movies anymore).

This isnt about the MCU, but the Spiderman movies that Sony themselves make.
Disney wants 50% of the profits sony makes on them..... dispite Sony owning the IP and doing everything themselves for the movie.

Disney is basically bullying them for no reason, when its clear they dont deserve to just magically get 50% of the profits for no reason.
Yet in this thread, you see people writeing "screw sony" ect. and sideing with Disney.

Sony doesn’t own anything.

This isn’t a shared ownership or Pokémon-like construction, Spiderman is fully owned by Marvel, which is fully owned by Disney. Spiderman is Disney’s property. Similarly, EA doesn’t own Star Wars. Sony owns a licence to make Spiderman movies, left-over from when Marvel, who were handing out licences like candy, was independant, like how Fox owned a licence to make X-Men movies. Or Universal a licence for theme park attractions. Obviously Disney wants that all back, to redistribute as they see fit. This also means I doubt Sony gets anything from merchandising or anything else regardless, but that’s another thing. 

Sony probably has a much better deal with the Spiderman movie licence than say, EA has with the Star Wars game licence though, and that’s their luck.

Generally speaking, not directly aimed at you, JRPGfan;

I think some of you are jumping to conclusions. So Spiderman made over a billion at the box-office. Sure this is a plus, but I highly doubt this is the prime motivator for Disney to tighten the strings. A billion in movie gross is nothing special for Disney anymore. Pretty much everything they touch reaches that nowadays. The Lion King is far past that already. Spiderman isn’t that special, even in the MCU. Ignoring Avengers of course, even Captain Marvel beat it. An Iron Man and a Captain America are above it. Black Panther has run a circle around Spiderman. I’m positive some of the upcoming MCU movies are going to easily beat Spiderman as well, and this is all with a surely inflated number for a modern Spiderman movie because of it’s connection to the MCU.

Secondly, I see comparisons with the Raimi Spiderman films, about how Sony can make a more successful Spiderman film than Disney/Marvel can. But that’s not a good comparison. Those movies are old now, and had little competition in the superhero genre. I’d say the fact that the Raimi films all easily beat the new Spiderman films, adjusted for inflation, actually bodes pretty badly for a stand-alone new Sony Spiderman film, if even the Marvel backing couldn’t do it.

Finally, I see people being pissed about supposed Sony blaming here in this thread. However, meanwhile I’m seeing a whole lot more Disney bashing in here, which seems to be fine. Comes across as a bit hypocritical, but whatever I don’t know.

And before this statement gets me being accused of defending Disney or being a Disney-fanboy, a Sony-hater or whatever, don’t bother, it’s not like that, I’m Switzerland.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 21 August 2019

S.Peelman said:

Sony doesn’t own anything.

This isn’t a shared ownership or Pokémon-like construction, Spiderman is fully owned by Marvel, which is fully owned by Disney. Spiderman is Disney’s property. Similarly, EA doesn’t own Star Wars. Sony owns a licence to make Spiderman movies, left-over from when Marvel was independant, who were handing out licences like candy, like how Fox owned a licence to make X-Men movies. Or Universal a licence for theme park attractions. Obviously Disney wants that all back, to redistribute as they see fit. This also means I doubt Sony gets anything from merchandising or anything else regardless, but that’s another thing. 


But as Sony Pictures themselves say, they own the Spiderman IP (when it comes to movies).

Yes, Sony doesn't get anything from merchandising.

Barkley said:
S.Peelman said:

Sony doesn’t own anything.

This isn’t a shared ownership or Pokémon-like construction, Spiderman is fully owned by Marvel, which is fully owned by Disney. Spiderman is Disney’s property. Similarly, EA doesn’t own Star Wars. Sony owns a licence to make Spiderman movies, left-over from when Marvel was independant, who were handing out licences like candy, like how Fox owned a licence to make X-Men movies. Or Universal a licence for theme park attractions. Obviously Disney wants that all back, to redistribute as they see fit. This also means I doubt Sony gets anything from merchandising or anything else regardless, but that’s another thing. 


But as Sony Pictures themselves say, they own the Spiderman IP (when it comes to movies).

Yes, Sony doesn't get anything from merchandising.

Which is what I said. They can make movies. They can’t do anything else with the character without permission because the character isn’t their’s.

^^ I'd never thought the third title in the trilogy would be that, but....[claps] very well done indeed.

I'm applying for welfare and bread lines this week, anyone else?