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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony aquires "Insomniac Games"

Awesome! Congrats for both of them, as they work great together

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I guess I'd always assumed that they did own Insomniac games, but this is still cool. :)

Means that Sony is still making big moves.

CGI-Quality said:
starcraft said:

And positive I remain, I was just using softer language to be polite. I think the difference in our arguments is this. I am saying Microsoft will have factored in to this - that is a 'no shit' comment, to use your terminology.

You're arguing they had nothing to do with it. Even under normal circumstances it would stretch credulity that a company would spend tens of millions (if not more) they dont have to spend on a studio if they didn't have one eye on the competition When that competition is busy buying up studios, even moreso.

Hiku raised an excellent point - Spiderman did incredibly - but incorrectly (or perhaps, incompletely) applied a conclusion. With that game I've no doubt Insomniac did cement their value. They certainly will have commanded a higher price than previously. And Sony who have previously not given strong indications they'd buy Insomniac suddenly after decades found a hell of a lot of money, purchasing a company at a time when it would otherwise make the least fiscal sense.

This type of thing has been going on forever - you're right. Its always had something to do with competition. Just moreso than usual atm.

It remains very simple, this isn't anything new and an Insomniac acquisition has always been a prospect of Sony's. All other attempts to weasel some unproven theory into it is merely nothing more.

Now, if Remedy is another acquisition on the table, as has been rumored, then that would carry the theory a little further and I'd open the door more to it.

Its a truism to state that these companies are constantly evaluating and attempting to outmanoeuvre one-another.

This was a good move from Sony. Contrary to what you're saying, it will always be taken with one eye on the competition. In another life that might have been Ninty. 2 years ago it would have been a combination of multiple companies. And right now this very expensive purchase was inevitably made with all Sony's competition and a renewed surge of competitive vigour from MS in mind.

To suggest that somehow Sony's management sat around in a room and suggested spending millions of dollars of shareholders money for no competitive reason is fanciful - not to mention an allegation of gross incompetence which I find unfair considering how well Sony has done lately.

Close the door all you want, market forces will crawl in the window.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

twintail said:
HollyGamer said:

Well it will secure Sony interest  by saving Insomniac  being purchased by another competitor such Microsoft, Google and facebook (Oculus VR games).

I doubt very much they would have been bought by anyone else. It was always going to be Sony Insomniac would eventually say yes to.

Though it is surprising they did say yes eventually.

Ninja Theory Say hi 

DonFerrari said:
Barkley said:

GOTY version was supposedly briefly up on Amazon which should boost sales some more. Could beat Uncharted 4 to become their best selling 1st party game (on a single platform).

15m+ lifetime is guaranteed anyway. Incredible. Shows the importance of building install base and a fan base through high quality titles. Who would have thought at the start of the generation that Sony would be putting out multiple games that sold more than Halo 5 and Gears 4 combined.

I remember the threads were it was given as certain that Halo 5 and Gears 4 each one would do much better than basically any PS4 exclusive. Those were the days. Most have left VGC, hide away or pretend that it isn't important anymore.

We have no idea about actual sales of Halo 5 & Gears 4.

On Neogaf, Frank o Conor, posted "Halo 5" did almost 5 million sales abit after its first 3 months.

With Gears, all we know is its had ~6.4 million players, that have played it. 
With Gamepass/resales/trades/multiple users for same disk,... its hard to say exactly how many sales that is.

Since then? nothing.
So I still think Halo is bigger for sales than Gears is, on xbox.

I feel like if Halo crossed 10m sales, someone at xbox side would have announced it.
With 40m+ consoles out there, if attach rate was ~25% it should be possible to do.
Im guessing its under 10m.

Meanwhile Sony has 6? games over 10m, and a few reaching towards the 20m mark.
install base gives a huge edge though.... like if you manage to sell 130m+ consoles, its hard to imagine you dont sell a few 10m+ titles of your own.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 August 2019

CGI-Quality said:
starcraft said:

Its a truism to state that these companies are constantly evaluating and attempting to outmanoeuvre one-another.

This was a good move from Sony. Contrary to what you're saying, it will always be taken with one eye on the competition. In another life that might have been Ninty. 2 years ago it would have been a combination of multiple companies. And right now this very expensive purchase was inevitably made with all Sony's competition and a renewed surge of competitive vigour from MS in mind.

To suggest that somehow Sony's management sat around in a room and suggested spending millions of dollars of shareholders money for no competitive reason is fanciful - not to mention an allegation of gross incompetence which I find unfair considering how well Sony has done lately.

Close the door all you want, market forces will crawl in the window.

Was it competitive? Sure. Anything that's helping to strengthen a business is competitive (again, another one of those 'no shit' comments 😛). Was it due to Microsoft's moves to acquisition (when Sony acquires studios in this fashion/timeframe historically) is something that can be argued, but not a certainty. 

Its not just Microsoft out there swallowing up game studios.... Epic is doing it, Stadia is doing it... even Amazon did a few?
At some point Sony must be like... "the hell! if everyone takes everything, we ll get no 2nd party deals!"

Insomniac, are probably over the moon with Spiderman success, and want to have their studio be known for the titles & series (ei "we do spiderman").
That goes away if their not working for Sony...... I suspect that if they had to be bought by anyone, why not do it with someone your on friendly working terms with for over 20years, and that have the Spiderman IP? Insomniac should be happy to get bought (it means their companys future, is stable, and bright).
Also I suspect Spiderman 2 is gonna be even bigger, than the first game was (sony will give 110% to make sure its a huge hit).

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 August 2019

JRPGfan said:
CGI-Quality said:

Was it competitive? Sure. Anything that's helping to strengthen a business is competitive (again, another one of those 'no shit' comments 😛). Was it due to Microsoft's moves to acquisition (when Sony acquires studios in this fashion/timeframe historically) is something that can be argued, but not a certainty. 

Its not just Microsoft out there swallowing up game studios.... Epic is doing it, Stadia is doing it... even Amazon did a few?
At some point Sony must be like... "the hell! if everyone takes everything, we ll get no 2nd party deals!"

Who did Stadia or Amazon buy?

Barkley said:
JRPGfan said:

Its not just Microsoft out there swallowing up game studios.... Epic is doing it, Stadia is doing it... even Amazon did a few?
At some point Sony must be like... "the hell! if everyone takes everything, we ll get no 2nd party deals!"

Who did Stadia or Amazon buy?

Epic Bought Psyonix,...   stadia & amazon..... oops. I ment they went out to get exclusive games. If a game studio is taken up with working for another on a exclusive, its one less dev, for sony to get to do a job for them.

So, who's next?

I hope we get SSO ported to the PS4! Then we get SSO2 on the PS5!