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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Sword/Shield will not feature all Pokemon - Just the ones in the regional dex.

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Does this affect your decision to get the game?

No, still hyped. 24 39.34%
Yes, hype gone, not buying. 10 16.39%
Eh, I don't like this but will wait and see. 10 16.39%
Eh, I hate this, but will get it anyway. 13 21.31%
Wasn't getting it from the start. 4 6.56%

Decisions like this are why I play other games instead of the latest Pokemon games. Pokemon Moon was in some ways a step forward and some other ways a step back. Pokemon should be selling 25+ million easy but they always seemed to butcher every game in some way shape or form. With the exception of generation 5, I don't think Pokemon has really lived up to its potential since Gold and Silver.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

On reflecfion, this will be a fascinating issue to see how it impacts sales and reception. Because right now they are emphasizing the number of Pokemon actually in the game fully - that is, there to be caught and battled - is planned to be quite high. And by extension, the Regional Dex quite extensive. This could lead to a very bizarre situation where the game is regarded as being very content rich and complete and all that by one large group of players while another smaller albeit still large and definitely vocal group feels it is lacking in essential content. I'll probably be in the former camp as I have never been interested in transferring Pokemon. But there will be plenty in the latter.

Odds are they're just gonna code them all in by the third version/remake when they have more time. Even if it takes them till 9th gen, I can't see this being permanent moving forward. It's just a position of circumstances.

Anyway this would only affect post game wifi battles to me.

Last edited by Green098 - on 11 June 2019

Cerebralbore101 said:
On the bright side the Smogon Meta post Sword/Shield should be interesting. No more overused Legendaries like Landorus or Heatran. No more megas with borderline gamebreaking effects. And hopefully no more Rotom. Rotom is flat out busted and on almost every damned team. I'll be happy as hell if he doens't make it in.

That's the only good thing to come out of this. I hate Landorus T so much, thank god we wont have to see his ugly ass face anymore.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

Setting up for ultra versions of the games in 2020...

While personally this doesn't affect me, as I prefer to use the in-region Pokemon for my team anyway, and only transfer pokemon across gens as a bonus in the post-game...I can see why people would be upset by this. Its pretty lame to not be able to bring your favorite teams over, especially if you're really involved with the meta. Hopefully this gets sorted out in future versions of the game.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Game Freak are incompetent.

A lot of my favourites (Porygon line, Luxray, Elygem line, Gligar line to name a few) are gonna dissapear in thin air.

Even if my favourites make it in someone else is almost for sure lose theirs, and it sucks. For example, I dislike the pokemon Goodra, absolutely the worst pseudo-legend we've seen so far, but a couple wierdos out there probably like that, and I dont want them to lose their precious pokemon.

Absolutely boneheaded move.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

RingoGaSuki said:

Just confirming - all gen I Pokemon are available in game. This is fucking shit, I love those Pokemon but fucking enough. Fucking enough. Charizard for the 5000th fucking time is just infuriating, I hate it now.

I can see it already, my favourites like Linoone, Maractus, Sigilyph, Trubbish and Whiscash are all gone. Complete fucking shit. I am struggling with understanding this shit

mZuzek said:
Mega Evolutions and Z-moves were also removed.

Now, there's a side of me that wants to be fine with that information - if every generation is gonna have its own gimmick, I'd rather they keep their gimmicks to themselves instead of going on forever -, but really, not having Mega Evolutions is never a good thing.

Just fucking inane. I don't care about Z-moves at all, but megas at least were upgrades that otherwise forgotten older 'mon needed. Cutting out something like that doesn't sit well with me at all.

That's right. Forgotten pokemon like Charizard, Mewtwo, and Lucario needed those upgrades and now they're gone.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

flashfire926 said:
RingoGaSuki said:

Just confirming - all gen I Pokemon are available in game. This is fucking shit, I love those Pokemon but fucking enough. Fucking enough. Charizard for the 5000th fucking time is just infuriating, I hate it now.

I can see it already, my favourites like Linoone, Maractus, Sigilyph, Trubbish and Whiscash are all gone. Complete fucking shit. I am struggling with understanding this shit

Just fucking inane. I don't care about Z-moves at all, but megas at least were upgrades that otherwise forgotten older 'mon needed. Cutting out something like that doesn't sit well with me at all.

That's right. Forgotten pokemon like Charizard, Mewtwo, and Lucario needed those upgrades and now they're gone.

I mean, yeah Charizard/Mewtwo/Lucario had them, but Medicham, Banette, Abomasnow and Glalie did too. Pokemon that would otherwise be completely forgotten.

Wow. It's worse than I thought. When I first read about this, I thought it was only referring to transferring to/from Pokemon Home, which itself was stupid enough. But not having some in the game at all?!?!? This is a new low. Completing the National Dex is what made Pokemon have some of the best post-game content out there (which, side note, is why I was always pissed off that there almost never was a significant reward for it).

Whatever their reason for doing this, let's not forget that this is a franchise that shits money. They have no excuse.

This might be the first time in a long while that I skip a Pokemon game, and the only time ever that I skip a generation opener. Pokemon has going downhill in my view as of late. I loved Gen 6, and Gen 5 was my favorite, but Sun and Moon were quite lackluster and frankly boring in my view (I don't think this is a popular opinion, but correct me if I'm wrong) and Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were a complete waste of $40 for anyone who played the originals- literally the exact same game.

Which brings me to their anti-consumer tactics. Now I had nothing against the third-version tactic back in the day. They often brought a lot of good things, and in the case of Black 2 and White 2, they were absolutely fantastic. But now that we can have patches and DLC, there's no need. What I fear (and expect) is that Pokemon Butterknife is going to feature every Pokemon and of course you'll have to pay $60 for it even if you Sword and Shield.

I wasn't very excited for Sword and Shield for the aforementioned reasons, as well it looking pretty low quality, but I told myself that there's no way I could skip a main series Pokemon game. I might finally have a reason to do so.

NNID: garretslarrity

Steam: garretslarrity