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Forums - Politics Discussion - Hypocrisy on Abortion?


Democratic Support of UBI and Abortion at the same time is Hypocrisy

Yes 8 26.67%
No 22 73.33%
o_O.Q said:
morenoingrato said:

You chose a fringe, fringe, fringe group of anonymous people that go to an internet subforum to hate on people with kids. That does not validate your argument. Also, prove their party affiliation if you will.

as i've said i could just as easily pull examples from more mainstream sources, but i'm not spending hours of my time pouring through articles to validate an argument that any sensible person would agree with

do i really have to prove that people who want to kill unborn children have little regard for unborn children?

but regardless i have to prove that pro abortion people are democrats? really?

If you could "easily pull samples" to prove your from mainstream sources, you would have. And by samples, I don't mean a single internet user representing millions of people.

Pro-choice people are Democrats, I can agree with that. Your argument is that pro-choice people see babies as parasites, which, unsurprisingly, you haven't backed up. As always.

JWeinCom said:
o_O.Q said:

"First off, the people you're quoting on UBI are not the same people as you're quoting on calling fetuses parasites."

well they have not explicitly said so but i'm pretty sure that the vast majority of democrats in support of ubi are also in support of abortion and abortion at its very core is a process which treats unborn babies as if they are unwanted parasites

do you deny that?

"This is a basic part to whole fallacy. "

no that's not really true and i've addressed why above

"Secondly, you're confusing metaphor and literal. The people are above are arguing that fetus are literal parasites (or pretty close at least). For argument's sake let's just agree that UBI reception equals metaphorical parasitism. That doesn't mean I have to have the same opinion on that as I do for literal parasitism."

this has nothing to do with confusing literal and metaphorical

the people i quoted are using unborn babies as metaphors for parasites because and this is the most relevant part they take resources from another entity and restrict the bodily autonomy of that entity

i'm saying that a parallel can be drawn between this and when the same people argue that we need to take more resources from certain people and give those resources to other people causing a restriction in bodily autonomy in the first group of people as a result

i don't see how you can try to deny the clear comparison being done here, i can of course understand the motivation but the outright denial? that's surprising to me

"For example, children can easily be thought of as metaphorical parasites (in most cases). Tapeworm are a literal parasite. I have a very different opinion on how each should be handled."

that's great, but that's not really relevant to the argument i made since here you are showing different methods of handling seemingly similar situations whereas in my case i showed how the methods used (siphoning resources from the haves to the have nots) are similar in handling the situations i brought up

you essentially built a strawman, torched it and said "AHA! got you!" 

"This is an argument by analogy fallacy."

it would be if you actually addressed what i posted instead of attacking a strawman

"Beyond the very abstract concept of one organism benefiting from another"

well that's your opinion, if you don't think the two can be compared well that's ok, we can agree to disagree

i personally think its pretty darn clear that there is an obvious correlation here

to reiterate, the baby needs resources from the mother to survive, however, this impacts negatively on the mother because she loses resources to the baby and her bodily autonomy is restricted

the poor according to democrats need resources from other people to survive, however, this impacts negatively on those people because they lose resources to the poor and their bodily autonomy is restricted(more work is required to gather resources for example)

you appear to be arguing that you can look at these two situations and not see the clear connection between them and that's ok

" these situations are so far removed from one another that it's ridiculous to suggest that an opinion on one should inform an opinion on the other."

well lets try to isolate the similarities between them for a minute ok?

1. Person cannot gather the resources needed to survive on their own

2. The person requires resources from another to survive

3. Resources are channeled from haves to have nots

4. Bodily autonomy is restricted in the haves as a result


1. haves/have nots can be plural in one instance but are always singular in the other

2. ...

This style of posting makes it super hard to respond coherently...

1.  Yes, I deny that.  I don't believe that most democrats support UBI in the first place.  And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite. I believe you yourself said you believe a woman has a right to abortion, but don't think a fetus is a parasite. You're taking positions espoused by some democrats and applying them to all.  This is indeed a basic part to whole fallacy.  

2.  No, you're clearly confusing literal with metaphorical.  Which you made even more clear.  The people you quoted above (especially the first one) are not saying that fetuses are metaphorically parasites, they are saying that they are literally parasites.  I would quote them... but that seems redundant. 

3. I'm going to have to doubt how genuine you're being if you honestly can't think of any differences between the situations.

One involves fully formed human beings only, one involves partially formed human beings that often have neither the capacity to reason or feel.  One restricts bodily autonomy, one does not (redistributing my income does not limit what I can do with my body).  One involves something growing in someone's body, one does not.  One poses significant health risks, to one party and death to the other, one does not.  One involves a medical procedure one does not.  

I get the weak analogy that's being made, but aside from the basic concept of redistributing resources, the situations are not really the same.  And again, these arguments are not being put forth by the same people.  You're trying to manufacture hypocrisy

"Yes, I deny that.  I don't believe that most democrats support UBI in the first place."

which isn't relevant 

"i'm pretty sure that the vast majority of democrats in support of ubi"

"And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite."

why are unborn babies killed?

"Which you made even more clear.  The people you quoted above (especially the first one) are not saying that fetuses are metaphorically parasites, they are saying that they are literally parasites."

do you understand what "literally" and "parasite" mean?  it doesn't seem so, under no context could a baby literally be a parasite.. the word "parasite" is a biological classification for certain species

"You're taking positions espoused by some democrats and applying them to all.  "

even though i narrowed my scope down to democrats who support ubi and abortion simultaneously?

"One restricts bodily autonomy, one does not (redistributing my income does not limit what I can do with my body)."

"One involves something growing in someone's body, one does not."

what line of work are you in where you don't have to use your body at all?

"One poses significant health risks, to one party and death to the other, one does not. "

"Which jobs have a higher risk of injury or even death? The latest statistics show that 1.1 million Britons suffer from a work-related illness, costing society almost £14 billion."

you have such a narrow perspective on this that its alarming

"And again, these arguments are not being put forth by the same people."

can you name a mainstream democrat in support of ubi who does not support abortion?

"I get the weak analogy that's being made"

its not really weak at all but i understand why you feel the need to classify it that way

morenoingrato said:
o_O.Q said:

as i've said i could just as easily pull examples from more mainstream sources, but i'm not spending hours of my time pouring through articles to validate an argument that any sensible person would agree with

do i really have to prove that people who want to kill unborn children have little regard for unborn children?

but regardless i have to prove that pro abortion people are democrats? really?

If you could "easily pull samples" to prove your from mainstream sources, you would have. And by samples, I don't mean a single internet user representing millions of people.

Pro-choice people are Democrats, I can agree with that. Your argument is that pro-choice people see babies as parasites, which, unsurprisingly, you haven't backed up. As always.

"And by samples, I don't mean a single internet user representing millions of people."

i gave four unique people 

and are you expecting me to post 1000 comments to have a representative sample?

" Your argument is that pro-choice people see babies as parasites, which, unsurprisingly, you haven't backed up."

i haven't backed it up even though i've posted examples? ok, again what are you expecting here? 1000 unique comments?

here's some more from other subreddits(these are the people you are allied with)


Babies are just a parasitic STD that, after 9months of sucking on a woman's nutrients, grows strong enough to leave the womb and instead feed on your financial resources.

Notes: Some babies continue feeding off the mother biologically through breast milk. Adults who live with their parents are just bad cases of the parasite of which their parent's cannot rid themselves.

Edit: word choice

Edit: as stated in one of the comments, this is not my personal philosophy but a different way of looking at it, be it skewed or not."

"All life isn’t equally valuable. Only non-parasitic animal and non-parasitic human lives have a positive value of their own. The value of a parasite’s life doesn’t negate its host’s bodily autonomy. I place a non-parasitic animal’s life above a parasitic human’s life."

"I also wouldn't be against a person, who has been forced (entered without consent) into a "personal" host-parasite relation"

"Again, I said not in an insulting way. But it is a parasite. Babies are our future, and therefore important to us. This does not mean we should ignore problems surrounding them."

"The mother's right to bodily autonomy wins over a parasite. "

"A heartbeat doesn't make a person. Until it can survive on its own its a parasite."

"There are no babies in utero. So yes; zygotes, embryos, and fetuses are all stages of a parasite that when expelled from the host body becomes a baby."

"The mother isn't really killing it, just saying another person isn't allowed to live in a parasite inside her body."

"If you eat raw sushi you are taking the chance that you could contract a parasitic worm. Would it be wrong to get rid of that parasite simply because you engaged in an activity which allowed it to attach to your body? It doesn't matter if a fetus is a human being or not, it's still a parasite and you either have autonomy over your own body or you do not"

"It drives me nuts when pro-life people tell me what I can and can't do with a parasitic mass of cells in my own body if I chose to have sex"

"Technically, we have a word for something that requires a host to supply it with nutrients, it's called a parasite"

"Where the distinction occurs is whether the person with the parasite has a choice in what happens to their body. Until the point that the baby can survive outside the womb, I think the term is "viable" but I could be wrong, the baby is a parasite on the mother, unable to live without her. Some people are thrilled at the idea of being a mother and actively try to have a parasite implant in them"

"Why should a woman be forced to carry a parasite"

"because pregnancy is like having an enormous parasite inside you"

" The fetus is effectively a parasite - it's not living on its own."

"against her will because the fetus is essentially a parasite"

"And It does not grow to become a person by itself, it is a parasite"

"That that parasitehas human DNA shouldn't be relevant"

"If I say my fetus is a parasite, then it's a parasite and it has to go"

"Furthermore, there is a risk you can die from this parasite"

"That parasite will develop into a full grown human being if all goes normal."

"as it's parasitic on the woman it can be removed"

"The ones of women forced to carry parasites they never wanted even"

"At early stages, a fetus is nothing more than a parasite"

"Up until that point she was a parasite, living off of my wife. "

"but get all worked up over a parasitic lougie"

" I was inspired by another post on here where the OP referred to abortion as "parasiteremoval""

"The moment of birth presents a clear physical, biological, and psychological point when a parasite"

"thats basically a parasite, is the only way I get to exercise my right to bodily autonomy, then that is on them"

"In the case of a fetus, which is a parasite by definition"

" Just like any other parasite, it is something that the mother can be"

"So? Men aren't the one who will have a "parasite" trying to kill them."

"The parasite, beloved or not, takes everything it needs, does not politely ask"

" It's not wrong for you to value your life above the life of a parasitic organism. "

its interesting to me to see women talking about their bodies in this way

Last edited by o_O.Q - on 18 May 2019

You see this would all be squashed if you all view kids like the Amish. I respect the Amish. Kids aren't a drain they are free slave labor. Put your fucking kids to work.

o_O.Q said:
tsogud said:

You didn't answer my question, why do you think that way?

And yes, the very wealthy should be taxed more to better our society as a whole. There's no reason in a civilized society that multi-billionaires, whose profit comes at the expense of the people, should be treated better and be able to get huge tax cuts and breaks while the very same people that they profited off of die because they can't afford healthcare. It's a give and take relationship and so far the wealthiest have just been taking, they need to give back to the society that propped them up in the first place.

"You didn't answer my question, why do you think that way?"

i said i agreed with you that mothers should be able to murder their unborn children

" There's no reason in a civilized society that multi-billionaires, whose profit comes at the expense of the people, should be treated better and be able to get huge tax cuts and breaks while the very same people that they profited off of die "

so resources should be channeled from people who have more to people who have less

the developing child in the womb needs resources from the mother to survive, why in this case where the person in question is much more vulnerable and in far more need do you renege on your position and go in the opposite direction?

and the mothers also profit from society btw as every single person does

"so far the wealthiest have just been taking"

how do you think people become wealthy?

Again, this is the second time you dodged my question. I didn't ask if you agreed with me of not because frankly I don't care if you do. I asked why do you think that way, why do you think mother's should be able to have abortions. And I'm going to add if you are pro-choice why make a thread that's obviously skewed and flawed from the start, anybody who has any simple concept of science would realize this and not even post such a flawed comparison.

I don't renege at all. You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of conception and what is a group of cells or an actual child and you conflate the latter two and think it's one and the same but it's not. A group of cells isn't life, it isn't a person. A miscarriage up to 8 weeks of pregnancy is indistinguishable to a heavy period. Even our natural body knows that it isn't life. The "person" you think is a person isn't actually one according to scientific evidence and facts. You just feel it's a person but that doesn't make it one. You only think I'm reneging because you think a group of cells is a person and your factually wrong about that and so your argument is wrong and your comparison is wrong. 

People become wealthy by the people, we give them extreme wealth so in return they should give a portion back to us so we all can have a better life. Their wealth isn't being taken away, just a portion would be redistributed to the population to help society. Keep in mind we're hypothetically talking about multi-billionaires here, that is an incredible amount of money for one individual or family, odds are losing even 10 million of their 2 billion won't effect them. They probably won't even notice because they're still making incredible amounts of money.


Both Republican and Democratic parties stink. But reps are a lesser evil, but by a small margin.

tsogud said:
o_O.Q said:

"You didn't answer my question, why do you think that way?"

i said i agreed with you that mothers should be able to murder their unborn children

" There's no reason in a civilized society that multi-billionaires, whose profit comes at the expense of the people, should be treated better and be able to get huge tax cuts and breaks while the very same people that they profited off of die "

so resources should be channeled from people who have more to people who have less

the developing child in the womb needs resources from the mother to survive, why in this case where the person in question is much more vulnerable and in far more need do you renege on your position and go in the opposite direction?

and the mothers also profit from society btw as every single person does

"so far the wealthiest have just been taking"

how do you think people become wealthy?

Again, this is the second time you dodged my question. I didn't ask if you agreed with me of not because frankly I don't care if you do. I asked why do you think that way, why do you think mother's should be able to have abortions. And I'm going to add if you are pro-choice why make a thread that's obviously skewed and flawed from the start, anybody who has any simple concept of science would realize this and not even post such a flawed comparison.

I don't renege at all. You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of conception and what is a group of cells or an actual child and you conflate the latter two and think it's one and the same but it's not. A group of cells isn't life, it isn't a person. A miscarriage up to 8 weeks of pregnancy is indistinguishable to a heavy period. Even our natural body knows that it isn't life. The "person" you think is a person isn't actually one according to scientific evidence and facts. You just feel it's a person but that doesn't make it one. You only think I'm reneging because you think a group of cells is a person and your factually wrong about that and so your argument is wrong and your comparison is wrong. 

People become wealthy by the people, we give them extreme wealth so in return they should give a portion back to us so we all can have a better life. Their wealth isn't being taken away, just a portion would be redistributed to the population to help society. Keep in mind we're hypothetically talking about multi-billionaires here, that is an incredible amount of money for one individual or family, odds are losing even 10 million of their 2 billion won't effect them. They probably won't even notice because they're still making incredible amounts of money.

"I asked why do you think that way, why do you think mother's should be able to have abortions."

you didn't ask me this initially, but regardless i believe people should be as free in societies as we can possibly make them, that goes for both men and women

i don't like the idea of unborn children being killed but i accept that its not my right to police other people's behavior

" And I'm going to add if you are pro-choice why make a thread that's obviously skewed and flawed from the start, anybody who has any simple concept of science would realize this and not even post such a flawed comparison."

can you explain to me rationally how anything i've said is unscientific?

"A group of cells isn't life, it isn't a person. A miscarriage up to 8 weeks of pregnancy is indistinguishable to a heavy period."

bacteria are life and a culture of bacteria is even less significant in appearance to a period... do you at least have a fleeting understanding of why this is an incredibly stupid argument?

"The "person" you think is a person isn't actually one according to scientific evidence and facts."

it would be awesome if you actually started posting some lol

"People become wealthy by the people"

so why aren't you and all the other people demanding that other people give you free stuff rich?

"we give them extreme wealth so in return they should give a portion back to us so we all can have a better life."

you gave who wealth? are you talking about paying for products? or paying for entertainment? you understand of course that these are transactions right?

as in you are not "giving", the other person is offering something you perceive to have a sufficient value for you to exchange a certain amount of money for

but regardless you do understand of course that most of the products you use come from the labour of much poorer people in inda, china, africa etc right? how much of your wealth have you donated to improving conditions in those countries?

or do your principles only apply to other people and not you?

if you are living in america and have time to be a video games enthusiast then you really shouldn't be making an argument as if you are part of "the poor"

" Their wealth isn't being taken away, just a portion would be redistributed to the population to help society."

if they have an obligation to give some of their resources to people who are less fortunate than they are why does this not also apply with pregnant women in your view? unborn babies will literally die if mothers refuse to share some of their resources with them

its kind of inconsistent to argue "well these people over here need to give their resources to these other people because otherwise they'll die" but then say "well these people over here don't need to give their resources to these other people and we'll just let those people die"

"Keep in mind we're hypothetically talking about multi-billionaires here"

with regards to what? taxation? so you don't want to pay taxes?

o_O.Q said:
JWeinCom said:

This style of posting makes it super hard to respond coherently...

1.  Yes, I deny that.  I don't believe that most democrats support UBI in the first place.  And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite. I believe you yourself said you believe a woman has a right to abortion, but don't think a fetus is a parasite. You're taking positions espoused by some democrats and applying them to all.  This is indeed a basic part to whole fallacy.  

2.  No, you're clearly confusing literal with metaphorical.  Which you made even more clear.  The people you quoted above (especially the first one) are not saying that fetuses are metaphorically parasites, they are saying that they are literally parasites.  I would quote them... but that seems redundant. 

3. I'm going to have to doubt how genuine you're being if you honestly can't think of any differences between the situations.

One involves fully formed human beings only, one involves partially formed human beings that often have neither the capacity to reason or feel.  One restricts bodily autonomy, one does not (redistributing my income does not limit what I can do with my body).  One involves something growing in someone's body, one does not.  One poses significant health risks, to one party and death to the other, one does not.  One involves a medical procedure one does not.  

I get the weak analogy that's being made, but aside from the basic concept of redistributing resources, the situations are not really the same.  And again, these arguments are not being put forth by the same people.  You're trying to manufacture hypocrisy

"Yes, I deny that.  I don't believe that most democrats support UBI in the first place."

which isn't relevant 

"i'm pretty sure that the vast majority of democrats in support of ubi"

"And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite."

why are unborn babies killed?

"Which you made even more clear.  The people you quoted above (especially the first one) are not saying that fetuses are metaphorically parasites, they are saying that they are literally parasites."

do you understand what "literally" and "parasite" mean?  it doesn't seem so, under no context could a baby literally be a parasite.. the word "parasite" is a biological classification for certain species

"You're taking positions espoused by some democrats and applying them to all.  "

even though i narrowed my scope down to democrats who support ubi and abortion simultaneously?

"One restricts bodily autonomy, one does not (redistributing my income does not limit what I can do with my body)."

"One involves something growing in someone's body, one does not."

what line of work are you in where you don't have to use your body at all?

"One poses significant health risks, to one party and death to the other, one does not. "

"Which jobs have a higher risk of injury or even death? The latest statistics show that 1.1 million Britons suffer from a work-related illness, costing society almost £14 billion."

you have such a narrow perspective on this that its alarming

"And again, these arguments are not being put forth by the same people."

can you name a mainstream democrat in support of ubi who does not support abortion?

"I get the weak analogy that's being made"

its not really weak at all but i understand why you feel the need to classify it that way

1. "And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite."

why are unborn babies killed?

"you didn't ask me this initially, but regardless i believe people should be as free in societies as we can possibly make them, that goes for both men and women

i don't like the idea of unborn children being killed but i accept that its not my right to police other people's behavior"

That's your stance on abortion.  You are pro choice, without believing a baby is a parasite.  So, you've answered your own question and demonstrated that supporting a woman's right to have an abortion does not necessitate thinking of a baby as a parasite.  

2. "In fact, the biological definition of "parasite" fits the fetal mode of growth precisely, especially since pregnancy causes a major upset to a woman's body, just like a parasite does to its host."  This is clearly not a metaphorical comparison.  "Fits the fetal mode of growth precisely" does not mean it is metaphorically like a parasite it means it is literally doing what a parasite does, and thus is a parasite.  You may not agree with that, but that's the argument being made.

3.  I have no idea what you're trying to get at with the workplace statistics or use of body at work.  Would a UBI force me to work a particular job?  Does it limit my choice of jobs to ones that are particularly risky?  Work involves using your body in a potentially risky way with or without a UBI.  

JWeinCom said:
o_O.Q said:

"Yes, I deny that.  I don't believe that most democrats support UBI in the first place."

which isn't relevant 

"i'm pretty sure that the vast majority of democrats in support of ubi"

"And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite."

why are unborn babies killed?

"Which you made even more clear.  The people you quoted above (especially the first one) are not saying that fetuses are metaphorically parasites, they are saying that they are literally parasites."

do you understand what "literally" and "parasite" mean?  it doesn't seem so, under no context could a baby literally be a parasite.. the word "parasite" is a biological classification for certain species

"You're taking positions espoused by some democrats and applying them to all.  "

even though i narrowed my scope down to democrats who support ubi and abortion simultaneously?

"One restricts bodily autonomy, one does not (redistributing my income does not limit what I can do with my body)."

"One involves something growing in someone's body, one does not."

what line of work are you in where you don't have to use your body at all?

"One poses significant health risks, to one party and death to the other, one does not. "

"Which jobs have a higher risk of injury or even death? The latest statistics show that 1.1 million Britons suffer from a work-related illness, costing society almost £14 billion."

you have such a narrow perspective on this that its alarming

"And again, these arguments are not being put forth by the same people."

can you name a mainstream democrat in support of ubi who does not support abortion?

"I get the weak analogy that's being made"

its not really weak at all but i understand why you feel the need to classify it that way

1. "And it's very possible to support abortion without thinking of a fetus as a parasite."

why are unborn babies killed?

"you didn't ask me this initially, but regardless i believe people should be as free in societies as we can possibly make them, that goes for both men and women

i don't like the idea of unborn children being killed but i accept that its not my right to police other people's behavior"

That's your stance on abortion.  You are pro choice, without believing a baby is a parasite.  So, you've answered your own question and demonstrated that supporting a woman's right to have an abortion does not necessitate thinking of a baby as a parasite.  

2. "In fact, the biological definition of "parasite" fits the fetal mode of growth precisely, especially since pregnancy causes a major upset to a woman's body, just like a parasite does to its host."  This is clearly not a metaphorical comparison.  "Fits the fetal mode of growth precisely" does not mean it is metaphorically like a parasite it means it is literally doing what a parasite does, and thus is a parasite.  You may not agree with that, but that's the argument being made.

3.  I have no idea what you're trying to get at with the workplace statistics or use of body at work.  Would a UBI force me to work a particular job?  Does it limit my choice of jobs to ones that are particularly risky?  Work involves using your body in a potentially risky way with or without a UBI.  

"So, you've answered your own question and demonstrated that supporting a woman's right to have an abortion does not necessitate thinking of a baby as a parasite.  "

i told you that the comparisons to parasites was not the central point i was making, but i can't help but notice that you are refusing to answer my question

"why are unborn babies killed?"

why don't you want to go there?

" just like a parasite does to its host."  This is clearly not a metaphorical comparison."

you don't think someone using "just like" is speaking metaphorically?

and regardless if she had said explicitly that "babies are parasites" it does not change the fact that the word parasite is used as a biological classification for certain species

"Fits the fetal mode of growth precisely" does not mean it is metaphorically like a parasite it means it is literally doing what a parasite does"

ok lets ignore her framing her whole line of argumentation with "just like" for a second, you understand of course that a metaphor can contain direct references to its subject and still be a metaphor?

if i say "the boat steered just like a fish, the ruder allowing the boat to turn just as precisely as the fins on a fish" you understand that this is a metaphor right?

"I have no idea what you're trying to get at with the workplace statistics or use of body at work.  Would a UBI force me to work a particular job?"

obviously if taxes are raised then people will have to work more time to reach the same baseline they would have previously

"Does it limit my choice of jobs to ones that are particularly risky?"

its not entirely about risk, the point i'm making is that if more time has to be spent working then that's a restriction of bodily autonomy

"Work involves using your body in a potentially risky way with or without a UBI.  "


o_O.Q said:

"The mother owns the body in question, not the fetus. Thus the mother should have the first and last say of what occurs in her body... Otherwise we are giving the rights of the host body to another human being."

"If the fetus can survive via it's own power, then let it, but it shouldn't be allowed to at the expense of another person."

fascinating... are you in favour of resources being taken from richer people and being handed down to poorer people?

Within reason. Money being taken from richer people isn't the same as giving up your OWN rights to your OWN body.
That is ultimately the crux of the issue at hand.

What if some random person on the street had a disease... And for them to survive you had to give up a chunk of your life so that they could live at your expense? You wouldn't have the right to say "no" either. You would be forced to do it.

EricHiggin said:

People should own the money they make, not anyone else, aside from the basic Gov taxes. Thus each individual should have the first and last say of what happens to their money, otherwise we are giving the highest earners much less incentive to keep doing whatever it is that is making them truckloads of money. Money that is needed to be able to give to everyone, to do whatever they want...

If people can survive via their own power, then let them, but it shouldn't be allowed at the expense of other people. Just because UBI is a 'digital abortion' for the highest earners, doesn't change the fact that someone is having something taken away from them. (Aside from those who choose to share their wealth)

The highest earners don't loose any incentive what so ever.
In nations with significant levels of welfare, what you describe generally doesn't occur either.

In-fact... Because there is more wealth redistribution, there is generally higher levels of spending overall across the entire populace which drives the wheels of an economy.

Remember... Someone who is a billionaire likely has a ton of money stashed in a bank somewhere, ultimately not being reinvested and thus not adding to the economy a great deal... Where-as a low-income earner will generally spend every penny they acquire...

Give a million low income earners an extra billion dollars and that billions dollars will be spent into the economy. - Give a rich person a billion dollars and it will sit in a bank somewhere.

Jicale said:
I wont have an opinion on abortion since I'm a male and females say I shouldn't but, I've seen a lot of article's and comments saying males shouldn't have a say because males can't have babies but the same groups say males can give birth when (trans-males) give birth and their real males. So males should have an opinion since males can give birth. We need some consistency.

It takes two. The male should have a say. - But at the end of the day... Because the female is the vessel carrying the fetus, she should get the final say of what happens to her own body.

It's literally an argument about property (Aka. Body) rights.

melbye said:

No country in the world has universal basic income, they tried it in Finland and it failed

Plenty of nations with significant financial safety nets though.
I mean here the only difference from a universal income and our current Basic Income is that it is means tested.

Mnementh said:

Agreed on the first part.

For the second part: no, UBI is not implemented in any country. There are though some experiments and more locally placed implementation, notably in north america (native americans through casino money and the Alaska Permanent Fund).

Yeah. I was corrected prior. Cheers.

zero129 said:
Pemalite said:
The mother owns the body in question, not the fetus. Thus the mother should have the first and last say of what occurs in her body... Otherwise we are giving the rights of the host body to another human being.

If the fetus can survive via it's own power, then let it, but it shouldn't be allowed to at the expense of another person.


As for the Universal Basic Income... Why isn't that a thing in the USA? It works in most other developed nations with great success?

And the expense of the babys life? it isnt important?. Why should the mother have more rights then the child?.

Because the mother owns the body? Not the child?

Child is more than welcomed to survive via it's own accord after it's been aborted.

Unless you are suggesting people should give up their rights to their own body? Would you give up your right to your body if I needed say... Your kidneys to survive?

zero129 said:
tsogud said:
I'm going to tell you point blank NO this isn't a fair comparison at all, in fact you'd have better luck comparing apples to oranges or apples to steak for that matter. Before I tell you why you're wrong OP answer me this, are you pro-choice or anti-choice and why?

As for me, I'm pro-choice. It's the woman's body so she should be able to decide what to do with it and have final say. Men have control over their body, so should women. It's that simple. If you're against abortion, here's a simple tip, don't get one!

If a woman goes and does the deed gets pregnant, yes she should have to carry that child to term unless the is some risk to her life. (And no im not talking about rape cases or forced pregnancy).

The woman had her choice and she made it in this case. Why should it be ok to take away the rights of a child because the mother has now changed her mind?.

Nope. Because what you are suggesting is that a person should give up their Freedoms to their own bodily autonomy.

Plus... Not all pregnancies are "intended". - Condoms break, anti-pregnancy pills falter.
A friend of mine had the "snip" after his 4th child. - Ironically, his body healed the procedure and he ended up with a 5th child. - They kept it of course, he has a good paying job being border control.

Plus... A pregnancy is 9 months, circumstances can change, you can loose a job and become homeless, you could be suffering from an illness... List goes on.

At the end of the day though... It comes down to property ownership of an individuals body... And the person who was born to that body (The mother) should have the first and last say of what happens to it.

zero129 said:

Abortion is killing. im all for choice and the woman has the choice to not get pregnant in the first place.

So I assume you are against the consumption of meat? Against the death Penalty?

At the end of the day, we are approaching 8~ billion people on this planet, a few abortions isn't really that much of a big deal.

Azelover said:
Separation of church and state is definitely an issue, so they shouldn't be quoting the Bible. However, you don't have to be Christian to agree that killing another human being is bad, and should be illegal. Some people think that abortion of particularly developed fetuses is murder. This doesn't need to be a religious issue necessarily. People can be pro-life and completely scientific at the same time. One thing isn't exclusive to the other. Pro-life doesn't necessarily mean you are religious at all..

Anyone who quotes anything from the Bible can generally have their view discarded in it's entirety until they can prove their assertions with empirical evidence that it is factual with it's claims.

Separation of Church and State would be something I would like for every nation across the globe to strive towards, religion is entirely unnecessary.

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