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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch is selling better than PS4, PS2, PS1, PS3, X360 launch aligned

Skeeuk said:
Pinkie_pie said:
Launching in march sure helps. Im surprised the wii was way ahead of the ps1 and ps2 but couldnt outsell any of them lifetime. Did the wii hit a brick wall?

nintendo cut software support for the wii after 4 years, they cut software support for wiiu i feel they will do the same with the switch

Since they aren't supporting two systems at once this doesn't make a lot of sense. 

Care to expand on this? 

Shiken said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

so zelda, mario, smash, kart, and splatoon are already out.  Any major hardware shifters left or will the presence of those and a price decrease keep things going up?

Core Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Fire Emblem are all system sellers if past handhelds are anything to go by.  Hell Pokemon alone is a bigger system seller than any of Nintendo's other IPs if we are being completely honest.  Also while Bayonetta 3 is not a system seller overall, it will fill the void for a more mature exclusive and help flesh the library out of it drops this year (seeing how Prime 4 is delayed and all).


Overall the Switch should sell significantly more this year than last.

Pokemon main series is smaller than Super Mario 2d high budget, Tetris like games, Wii series-sports-games and Minecraft. The remainder, with the exception of GTA, is smaller. GTA needs to sell in five ecosystems to become one of the best-selling games on a high budget. The right pokemon game on the Switch can have sales between 18 and 25 million copies. Like GTA V in the best ecosystem.

Confirmed 150+ million seller.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
I like how a lot of the people mentioning that Nintendo home consoles sell well and then fall of in a few years conveniently leave out Nintendo handhelds. I get it could go either way, but some of these posts aren't even mentioning the alternative, even though all signs lead to the conclusion tht the sales curve is more likely to be handheld-oriented.


Nintendo has the portable scene as the first consumers. In this way, it prioritizes the consumer of portable games, so its handheld even the 3DS, which has design mistakes and had a horrible start, has become something lucrative. The strength of nintendo, besides the craftsman of its games, is its arcade heritage that inherits from its old businesses that ends up marry well with the portable games and portable consoles, like the Switch.

Skeeuk said:
Pinkie_pie said:
Launching in march sure helps. Im surprised the wii was way ahead of the ps1 and ps2 but couldnt outsell any of them lifetime. Did the wii hit a brick wall?

nintendo cut software support for the wii after 4 years, they cut software support for wiiu i feel they will do the same with the switch

They don't have anything else to support, I doubt this happens 

Shiken said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

so zelda, mario, smash, kart, and splatoon are already out.  Any major hardware shifters left or will the presence of those and a price decrease keep things going up?

Core Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Fire Emblem are all system sellers if past handhelds are anything to go by.  Hell Pokemon alone is a bigger system seller than any of Nintendo's other IPs if we are being completely honest.  Also while Bayonetta 3 is not a system seller overall, it will fill the void for a more mature exclusive and help flesh the library out of it drops this year (seeing how Prime 4 is delayed and all).


Overall the Switch should sell significantly more this year than last.

Yeah I can see that and I think this will be its peak year then a price cut next year to keep things relatively the same

I am Iron Man

Shadow1980 said: 

U.S.: 35M
Europe: 30M
Japan: 20M (maybe 25M if it gets significant price reductions soon)
RoW: 5M

Total: 90M

Your analysis is excellent as usual, but I'm not sure about that RoW estimate. If VGChartz is to be believed, Switch is already at 3.66M in RoW.

Libi said:
Despiste being a hybrid console, its great achivement for Nintendo. Proving that what matters the most its the games and not the resolutions and FPS. Congrats and long live for the switch, but i love my PS4 pro. Cheers

This does not prove that what matters most is the games. Not in the least. Not even a little bit. That was actually laughable when you really think about it.

01000110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01001001 01111001 01101111 01101100 01100001 01101000 00100001 00100000 01000110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01000101 01110100 01100101 01110010 01101110 01101001 01110100 01111001 00100001 00100000

Switch is doing well, but in a few years we will all look back and realize that these first two years were the "slow" years.  The real excitement is yet to come.

Agente42 said:
Pokemon main series is smaller than Super Mario 2d high budget, Tetris like games, Wii series-sports-games and Minecraft. The remainder, with the exception of GTA, is smaller. GTA needs to sell in five ecosystems to become one of the best-selling games on a high budget. The right pokemon game on the Switch can have sales between 18 and 25 million copies. Like GTA V in the best ecosystem.

I can pretty much guarantee you that GTA would still sell like an absolute monster if it suddenly went exclusive.