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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Some guys remain single by choice because it is easier!


Men choose to remain single and give up on women?

They do not want to becom... 9 7.69%
They do not want to change! 12 10.26%
They do not need a woman'... 3 2.56%
They do not want to conform to society! 5 4.27%
They have busy life and d... 9 7.69%
They are a man-child and never grew up! 17 14.53%
They are regarded as a lo... 15 12.82%
Modern feminism double st... 19 16.24%
Other! 27 23.08%
They choose sex workers instead! 1 0.85%

No one is saying become fake.

Just drop the world hates me attitude and be more positive. That alone will stress you out less.

If you project negative people see it, they don't want to be around a soul draining vampire.



Thus introverted guys are rejected and hated by society and portrayed as soul draining vampires, serial killers, terrorists, freaks, weirdo creeps as depicted in Hollywood films/TV shows.

I would change to become an extrovert but unfortunately I can not. I never had family members or friends that I could have learned from and developed a personality. I needed a team of support when I was younger that may have helped me avoid this dark lonely existence.

I have done countless sessions of therapy and seen psychologists and psychiatrists but it all failed because there were no immediate answers and no cure for extreme loneliness. Extreme loneliness and social isolation is torture and a nightmarish hell. Unless you experience it you have can not understand nor comprehend how it is impossible to have a positive view on the world when you have had a negative view on the world shaped by your life experiences.

If society does not accept you straight away, they will never ever accept you. i knew that at a young age and many years have passed by and my view has remained the same. People do not accept anyone who is an introvert and does not fit into a world designed for extroverts. Being an introvert is being a soul draining vampire with a negative view on the world because you can not relate to anyone, no one understand you and you avoids social interactions because of severe social anxiety. There are no benefits to being an introvert it is the worst thing that anyone can have forced upon them.

Mate i reckon 7/10 gamers are probably introverted lol.

Being introverted and being pessimistic are two different things.

People accept introverts, They don't like pessimists because of the negative comments all the time, they just don't want to hear it.



Being a pessimist is a good thing when it comes to gambling and not losing too much money but when it comes to other things in life it is a burden calculating risks and usually deciding it is not worth the time and effort. Nothing can ever change my views on anything I think in absolute terms and I am a religious fundamentalist. People through out my life have never accepted me, it is big issue when people do not accept me it is an insult. I guess there are plenty of people that have encountered good luck in life and always being accepted. Everything in life is based on random luck and being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.

Prostitutes I believe are way cheaper and I started hiring them at 20. An ugly loser guy or a guy with limited time or a guy with social awkwardness/mental health issues, must pay for hookers and the hookers leave and do not create issues. Prostitutes are human beings too and they are fun exciting business women. It takes lots of time and effort chatting women up and going to bars and clubs. Women can flake a lot or not be interested for whatever reasons.

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 - on 08 February 2019

Dark_Lord_2008 said:

Being a pessimist is a good thing when it comes to gambling and not losing too much money but when it comes to other things in life it is a burden calculating risks and usually deciding it is not worth the time and effort. Nothing can ever change my views on anything I think in absolute terms and I am a religious fundamentalist. People through out my life have never accepted me, it is big issue when people do not accept me it is an insult. I guess there are plenty of people that have encountered good luck in life and always being accepted. Everything in life is based on random luck and being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.

Prostitutes I believe are way cheaper and I started hiring them at 20. An ugly loser guy or a guy with limited time or a guy with social awkwardness/mental health issues, must pay for hookers and the hookers leave and do not create issues. Prostitutes are human beings too and they are fun exciting business women. It takes lots of time and effort chatting women up and going to bars and clubs. Women can flake a lot or not be interested for whatever reasons.

Omg do not get your information from such sites sir,its full of hate and twisted thinking.

Immersiveunreality said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:

Being a pessimist is a good thing when it comes to gambling and not losing too much money but when it comes to other things in life it is a burden calculating risks and usually deciding it is not worth the time and effort. Nothing can ever change my views on anything I think in absolute terms and I am a religious fundamentalist. People through out my life have never accepted me, it is big issue when people do not accept me it is an insult. I guess there are plenty of people that have encountered good luck in life and always being accepted. Everything in life is based on random luck and being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.

Prostitutes I believe are way cheaper and I started hiring them at 20. An ugly loser guy or a guy with limited time or a guy with social awkwardness/mental health issues, must pay for hookers and the hookers leave and do not create issues. Prostitutes are human beings too and they are fun exciting business women. It takes lots of time and effort chatting women up and going to bars and clubs. Women can flake a lot or not be interested for whatever reasons.

Omg do not get your information from such sites sir,its full of hate and twisted thinking.

Contrary to popular belief, MGTOWs are not incels. I'd know, because I agree. Men don't need women anymore than vice-versa. I don't hate people on principle, but I simply refuse to let other people push me into choices I didn't make myself and since everyone and their brother LOVES implying I will get married, I decided not to and keep women at a platonic level at best. Fine for me. As said above, escorts and an array of sex toys will do the job for the most part. If I want a child, I will adopt someone who actually needs parents over bringing another mouth the world will not be able to feed in the long term into the fray. 

Call me when everyone shuns sex and children and our future will be far more conspicuously luxurious than ours and affirmative action goes full circle again. THEN I will have a child with a woman. 

AsGryffynn said:
Immersiveunreality said:

Omg do not get your information from such sites sir,its full of hate and twisted thinking.

Contrary to popular belief, MGTOWs are not incels. I'd know, because I agree. Men don't need women anymore than vice-versa. I don't hate people on principle, but I simply refuse to let other people push me into choices I didn't make myself and since everyone and their brother LOVES implying I will get married, I decided not to and keep women at a platonic level at best. Fine for me. As said above, escorts and an array of sex toys will do the job for the most part. If I want a child, I will adopt someone who actually needs parents over bringing another mouth the world will not be able to feed in the long term into the fray. 

Call me when everyone shuns sex and children and our future will be far more conspicuously luxurious than ours and affirmative action goes full circle again. THEN I will have a child with a woman. 

No one needs anyone but i just like someone to love and for me that goes far beyond the shallow objectifying someone as a tool for personal needs and deciding you can roleplay the tool yourself,i want a connection,a bond were two people can make eachother happy.

Outside of all the pleasure on the side being married is also like having a best friend always with you.

Immersiveunreality said:
AsGryffynn said:

Contrary to popular belief, MGTOWs are not incels. I'd know, because I agree. Men don't need women anymore than vice-versa. I don't hate people on principle, but I simply refuse to let other people push me into choices I didn't make myself and since everyone and their brother LOVES implying I will get married, I decided not to and keep women at a platonic level at best. Fine for me. As said above, escorts and an array of sex toys will do the job for the most part. If I want a child, I will adopt someone who actually needs parents over bringing another mouth the world will not be able to feed in the long term into the fray. 

Call me when everyone shuns sex and children and our future will be far more conspicuously luxurious than ours and affirmative action goes full circle again. THEN I will have a child with a woman. 

No one needs anyone but i just like someone to love and for me that goes far beyond the shallow objectifying someone as a tool for personal needs and deciding you can roleplay the tool yourself,i want a connection,a bond were two people can make eachother happy.

Outside of all the pleasure on the side being married is also like having a best friend always with you.

We're social animals, not gregarious ones. Preference is the key here. You're entitled to it, but some of us prefer missing the positives and negatives of something rather than risk it. It doesn't mean we're averse to risk (I sure as hell am not), but that we don't see it as a valuable thing. Of course, those of us who think this way are not only more misanthropic, but we strongly lean in favor of logic instead of emotions. For one, if I could, I'd remake plenty of things that would get many people to take to the streets in protest even though from a logical standpoint, they are the better choice and should actually make everyone feel better, but people will protest something they liked vanishing even if it hurt a lot of people otherwise. 

To some of us, relationships are a transaction (or hell, everything). This is such scenario. 

AsGryffynn said:
Immersiveunreality said:

No one needs anyone but i just like someone to love and for me that goes far beyond the shallow objectifying someone as a tool for personal needs and deciding you can roleplay the tool yourself,i want a connection,a bond were two people can make eachother happy.

Outside of all the pleasure on the side being married is also like having a best friend always with you.

We're social animals, not gregarious ones. Preference is the key here. You're entitled to it, but some of us prefer missing the positives and negatives of something rather than risk it. It doesn't mean we're averse to risk (I sure as hell am not), but that we don't see it as a valuable thing. Of course, those of us who think this way are not only more misanthropic, but we strongly lean in favor of logic instead of emotions. For one, if I could, I'd remake plenty of things that would get many people to take to the streets in protest even though from a logical standpoint, they are the better choice and should actually make everyone feel better, but people will protest something they liked vanishing even if it hurt a lot of people otherwise. 

To some of us, relationships are a transaction (or hell, everything). This is such scenario. 

Ofcourse you are entitled to have that freedom i wont ever deny you of it, i do not have a problem with all mgtows but only a portion of it that trows hate into that logic thinking and i just hope that darklord is wise enough to filter that information out.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:

Being a pessimist is a good thing when it comes to gambling and not losing too much money but when it comes to other things in life it is a burden calculating risks and usually deciding it is not worth the time and effort. Nothing can ever change my views on anything I think in absolute terms and I am a religious fundamentalist. People through out my life have never accepted me, it is big issue when people do not accept me it is an insult. I guess there are plenty of people that have encountered good luck in life and always being accepted. Everything in life is based on random luck and being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.

Prostitutes I believe are way cheaper and I started hiring them at 20. An ugly loser guy or a guy with limited time or a guy with social awkwardness/mental health issues, must pay for hookers and the hookers leave and do not create issues. Prostitutes are human beings too and they are fun exciting business women. It takes lots of time and effort chatting women up and going to bars and clubs. Women can flake a lot or not be interested for whatever reasons.

@underline - a Pessimist believes the worst will happen. With Gambling you don't need to be one, just use common sense and logic lol. There is nothing wrong with having absolute views. In this scenario it means you will not always be right. The issue with pessimists they throw out words like this will never work, why bother this is too hard, this is boring etc without even trying. This is a negative projection on people and people want to try and fail or succeed. They don't want to be constant told negative things. Hell you may be right but because its a negative message people tend to dismiss it. If you going to deliver a negative message you have to deliver it in a nice way explaining as to why it isn't a good idea. Doing it in a rude manner just makes people thing you don't want to try and here we go again old same shit  different day comments.


@bold - This is partially true. but to make luck you gotta be out there, you can't expect it to come to you. Right place right time involves you actually making the effort of leaving the house. i'll give you an example, i went to pickup a dvd from the rental store. I was talking to the person behind the counter as I usually do (small chit chat). I told them i am 6 months from graduating and wasn't sure what I was going to do where to apply etc. Well the person behind me was a job recruiter  and overheard the conversation.  She followed me out and said hello, i said hello how can i be of assistance? She then explained what she was a job recruiter that I should apply for a undergrad temp job. So i did, then the rest was history