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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch Online LIVE, 20 NES and upcoming titles, Service FAQ, cloud save details, requirement depends on publisher

I don't have a problem with the concept of paying 20 bucks a year for this service. It's really cheap. But holy hell is that a lackluster list of NES games.

im sorta considering this. im spending more time with my switch and looks like some games of great interest are coming out for it.

im still hating the smart phone for voice chat idea, so clunky and half baked. but then again, dont see any reason i would use it so it kinda doesnt matter in the long run.

i have got a good fix on my nostalgia with the nes mini and snes mini, love that it plays most roms and going back to things like tmnt in time on snes has been a blast. love to see it come to switch with multiplayer, that would be god tier for me. if it happened.

just take in consideration nintendo has always been slow like old people fuck when it comes to getting older games on the shop.


I wish they would let me prepay for the family plan

TomaTito said:

Updated the OP with the new info so far.

These are the 10 NES games:
Balloon Fight
Donkey Kong
Dr. Mario
Ice Climber
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros 3.
The Legend of Zelda

I thought we knew all of this already. Eitherway, the service is still only worth it if you play online. I bet they could offer no NES games and the amount of people who'll subscribe next month wouldn't be any different.

Very weak list of NES titles.

Signature goes here!

Updated OP again with the news from yesterday, F2P games will not be affected by Nintendo's online service.
And I guess it's those that use their own servers.

Lonely_Dolphin said:
TomaTito said:

Updated the OP with the new info so far.

I thought we knew all of this already. Eitherway, the service is still only worth it if you play online. I bet they could offer no NES games and the amount of people who'll subscribe next month wouldn't be any different.

What did we know? The title names, voice chat, screen mirroring?
Maybe I missed them, been away for the past half year.

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

TomaTito said:

Updated OP again with the news from yesterday, F2P games will not be affected by Nintendo's online service.
And I guess it's those that use their own servers.

Lonely_Dolphin said:
I thought we knew all of this already. Eitherway, the service is still only worth it if you play online. I bet they could offer no NES games and the amount of people who'll subscribe next month wouldn't be any different.

What did we know? The title names, voice chat, screen mirroring?
Maybe I missed them, been away for the past half year.

We knew the games for sure, but I think free to play bit is definitely new. That reminds me that I still need to try Paladins.

Like a month to go and we barely know anything more.
Nintendo is going to explain what the discount part means, right ??

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

So that leave MS as the only ones to lock F2P games behind a paywall then.

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That rerminds me. I need to beat Monster Hunter before online becomes locked behind a paywall. Looks like I'm not playing anything else for September.

Also the NES list is a bit cliche. They pretty much got the popular ones out first. I hope they put something like Castlevania on it.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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