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Forums - Sales Discussion - October 2015 NPD Thread! Everything is in the OP!

Angelv577 said:I am not but since some are still hopeful for a win in the US, then it needs to do it now.  You might not care but it still a thing not to mention some were waiting for the holidays for a turn around in sales due to xb1 cutting the gap around 400k last year.  I dont know what your 2nd paragraph has to do with what I said.  The only thing that people can say without a doubt is that halo 5 only push xb1 to 303k compare to halo 3 that push xb360 over 500k for September which mean that halo doesnt have the same ability to move system first month as before. If halo can provide a better holiday sales, that remain to be seen.


It's not the greatest comparison, because this is the second cycle of Halo on the platform, and it's third holiday, not a second.  The diehard Halo fans already bought into the system, whereas the last time around they hadn't yet.  Easily 200k people bought the MCC bundle or other SKUs over the last 12 months wihtout waiting for H5 to launch.

I bought my X1 at launch, and my friends list is almost exclusively culled from Halo players over the years, outside of irl friends.  Lots of them jumped in last year when MCC launched.  The number who waited until October was relativley small. And some went PS4 exclusively whereas last time quite a few were dual console people.  There's less reason to own both this time, IMO, especially at this point in the life cycle.  Anecdotal, I know, but I see no real reason why they wouldn't be somewhat representative of the larger Xbox base, as there's nothing special about them.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

October numbers don't seem so impressive.

Hankoney said:
AsGryffynn said:

This is most likely what it actually did. If it surpassed NBA 2K16, it went well over the 1M barrier...


If anything, it seems most people either went digital or were people who already owned the XONE...

This is NBA's second month, it already sold 1.1 million in September.

Yeah... September 29th

Now that I see the chart, it sort of makes sense. We can't compare it against Halo 3, and the comparison with all other games had them running for a month rather than one week... odds are if it had launched at the start of October or November, the numbers would've been higher...

Not to mention that the digital code in bundles sort of means we're witnessing a very rare phenomena... are we really counting them (or most of them)?

cream is back and said Halo 5 bundles sold less than the UC bundles.

Triforce Heroes - 83k
Assassin's Creed PS4: 57% (thought it would be higher)
Wooly World: 165k
Transformers: 38k
Chibi Robo: 35k
Tales of Zestiria: 58k
Disgaea 5: 26k
Dragon Quest Heroes: 31k

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

zumnupy10 said:
October numbers don't seem so impressive.

Obviously! Because Black Firday is in the following month. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Ali_16x said:
cream is back and said Halo 5 bundles sold less than the UC bundles.

Triforce Heroes - 83k
Assassin's Creed PS4: 57% (thought it would be higher)
Wooly World: 165k
Transformers: 38k
Chibi Robo: 35k
Tales of Zestiria: 58k
Disgaea 5: 26k
Dragon Quest Heroes: 31k

Thanks OP updated!

A remastered uncharted collection selling better than a new mainline halo game is bananas.

UltimateGamer1982 said:
A remastered uncharted collection selling better than a new mainline halo game is bananas.

Bundle sold better, but that's because $349 vs $499. Halo game itself much better. Clearly a decent number of people bought a different Xb one sku and bought Halo separately. If you buy the right sku you wind up for 4 or maybe 5 games and a new Xb one for nearly $100 less than the LE bundle. I know which option I'd choose if I was wanting to buy a Xb one and Halo 5.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Ok now the math doesn't had up. If the NDC Bundle sold more than the Halo 5 bundles, and Halo 5 at 935 K including bundles, where the hell MS got that $400 Million revenue? How did they get to that number??

binary solo said:
UltimateGamer1982 said:
A remastered uncharted collection selling better than a new mainline halo game is bananas.

Bundle sold better, but that's because $349 vs $499. Halo game itself much better. Clearly a decent number of people bought a different Xb one sku and bought Halo separately. If you buy the right sku you wind up for 4 or maybe 5 games and a new Xb one for nearly $100 less than the LE bundle. I know which option I'd choose if I was wanting to buy a Xb one and Halo 5.

That may be but it's still halo after all. Combined with the relatively low hardware and software it sold last month, that's not very good news for Microsoft, considering what the brand used to pull off with ease. 


This is just another sign that halo is no longer the sales juggernaut it once was and basically leaves Xbox on equal footing as ps as far as games selling gangbusters goes. And without a huge hardware selling ip now, Microsoft is in for a long gen. 


Yes halo is still big but nothing like it used to be.