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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Q&A with Resident Evel 5 producer about a possible Wii version

the producer of RE was probably in a proccess of creating new member on VGcharts to defend his honor. ROFL

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



naznatips said:
More people keep biting, despite the "I blame Wii fit." very entertaining.

People, read more than the first post!

naznatips said:
More people keep biting, despite the "I blame Wii fit." very entertaining.

 When I first read it Ijust assumed that Rol added that part as a joke rather than the whole thing being a joke. It does bring up an interesting question of when a joke becomes trolling though. I laughed hard when I finally got the joke, but you can see the PS3 fanboys coming out in force to slam the Wii.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
naznatips said:
More people keep biting, despite the "I blame Wii fit." very entertaining.

When I first read it Ijust assumed that Rol added that part as a joke rather than the whole thing being a joke. It does bring up an interesting question of when a joke becomes trolling though. I laughed hard when I finally got the joke, but you can see the PS3 fanboys coming out in force to slam the Wii.

 Rol walks that fine line but does it in such a way that everyone apart from fanboys can have a good laugh. This post was clearly intended to bait the Wiiboys anyway so it shows that at least Rol isn't biased in trolling.

Oh I agree you are on the safe side of the line. Not very far on the safe side, but clearly not just trolling. But you have to figure someone is going to try and copy it and eventually cross that line.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Joking again Rol?

My take on the interview, "I blame Wii Fit".
I have to agree. LMAO. Edit: That many posted while i was typing (changed diapers to my smallest kid before i clicked "post"). It was pretty obvious joke even without "i blame Wii Fit", but i think that was the funniest part.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

You MK64 hater... lol, that was a good one...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
RolStoppable said:

Most interesting parts of the interview:

Q: Are there any plans to bring Resident Evel 5 to the Wii?

A: At the moment we don't have any plans for a Wii version, because we don't think that our game is suited for the demographics on that system. Another big problem is the scale of the game, we would have to redo the entire game to make it run on the weaker hardware.

Q: But it wasn't too long ago that you re-released Resident Evel 4 for the Wii and the game became a commercial success. So why not bring the sequel to the Wii as well?

A: You have to consider the circumstances under which the game was released. It was a budget priced game and at the time of its release there weren't any other hardcore games available on the platform, so these facts greatly contributed to the commercial success of our game. But as studies from for example Famitsu have shown,70 % of Wii owners don't play their system anymore, so I am not too sure that there's still an audience for the sequel of the game on the Wii and that's why we don't consider a Wii version at this point in time.

Q: So you think it's unlikely that your new game can sell on the Wii?

A: Well yes, the Wii's success is mostly based on its controller and casual games, the cheap price of the system is another big factor to make people want to buy the system. If you take a look at the sales charts [in Japan] you see titles like Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Fit selling very well, but hardcore titles like No More Heroes bomb and 3rd party games like our own Zak & Wiki generally don't seem to sell on the Wii.

Q: What about Umbrela Chronicles? It seems the game is selling decently so far?

A: It's doing okay, but I think it's more of an anomaly, really. I think the people buying it are the last hardcore gamers left on the Wii who haven't moved over to the 360 and PS3 completely yet. Casual games and minigame collections seem to be the games selling the most on the Wii and we aren't going to make these kinds of games.

Q: So what you are trying to say is ...?

A: I blame Wii Fit.

Q: Okay, one last thing: Can we expect to see Resident Evel 5 this year on 360 and PS3?

A: Our team is working hard to get the game ready for a holiday release, so yes it's possible, but I can't make any promises.


My personal take on what was said:

I think that this whole interview should be considered as a joke. This guy makes ridiculous claims why his game wouldn't sell on the Wii, I really can't stand this type of mindset anymore.

I hereby declare that I will boycott all of Camcop's games until they finally take the Wii serious. Anyone with me?

What a very biased POS dev. I want RE5, a GOOD megaman game, and some decent "hardcore games" from capcom and less lip. This entire article was a joke, and a bod joke at that. Chears to getting his ass fired.

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!




lol at some replies

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"