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Forums - PC Discussion - The Semi Official VGChartz Minecraft Thread

A 3D voxel map would be cool, not the mini map mod but a full screen google earth type explorer.

I fixed the signal that kept getting stuck by moving the red stone to one side of where the break kept occurring. I guess that resolving red stone circuitry that cross chunk boundaries can fail if one side is currently not in memory, ie out of range.
I also rebuild the color changing light beacon with a small 'engine' circuit driving the pistons, instead of a long loop that inevitably crosses a chunk boundary. The beacons update slow though (on ps4) so my disco lights aren't all that disco. Moving the colored class over top at high speed gets mostly ignored by the beacon.,
My lighthouse is out of luck, too much effort to move the whole tower to fix its light circuit.

Meanwhile my kids saw something about a cobblestone generator on you tube and have been building sky high lava + ice fountains :/

I created a significantly smaller cropped version of the Waterworld map, showing only the populated regions and their surroundings. It's 135MB instead of half a gig, and it loads way faster on Windows.


Hey Plashy, if you get on here before you hop back on the game, just so you know, not all the powered rails actually have power so if you try riding back, you'll get stuck.


hey thanks for the slime, thtonestar. so I had been exploring a new temple in the desert when lan d mine trap into abandoned rails/mine shaft, down into a sea of lava

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I forgot to tell you I left those slimes there for you haha. I left them in a very conspicuous spot on purpose, though - and partially for that reason so I'm glad you found them!


And the enormous railway is complete. Two parts, over 4000 blocks traveled. Takes ten minutes to ride the entire length.


Finally getting really close to finishing my castle! I've started prepping for my next project since it's getting so close.


So yesterday while I was playing, the game bugged out and now I can't log in because it insists that I'm already logged in, even though I'm not. Server has to be shut down and restarted before I can play again with my main account. =/

And in other news, I learned today that travel to new areas is unnecessary to get the new block types (granite, andesite, diorite). You can make diorite with nether quartz (NOT blocks) and cobblestone. You can make andesite with diorite and more cobblestone. You can make granite with diorite and more nether quartz.


So, to get all three, you just need varying amounts of nether quartz and cobblestone. That's it.


rebooted now

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Castle exterior is complete!

(right click > "view image" to see enlarged)

I'm going to take a better pic of the castle proper in a minute.


100% built brick-by-brick, fully vanilla, all manually mined/farmed/collected.
