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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Official Final Fantasy XIII Thread + League + VGCritic

i think chapter 11 is the coolest chapter yet...prob cause you get to run around and the enemies are just crazy!

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Chapter 2: 9.3!

Dear god the difficulty just tripled, damn I keep dying

Ok I almost killed one of those HUGE turtles, was soooooo close..

Edit: Not the largest turtle though, that one still kills me with one hit

Crystalchild said:
darthdevidem01 said:
@Vival La Wiida

there is one chapter thats almost as long as all the other ones combined

lol thats why the game WILL take you 35 - 40 hours!


well, 11 and 12 are VERY long, it took me 45 Hours to beat this Game. and now, the Counter says 60, im sure the Plat. Trophy will take 100-120, easily.


but a question: are there tier 2-3 Accessories? if yes, im scared by the trophy to get every Accessory/Weapon once. :A..


no I believe you just LV them up i dont think they evolve

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seraphic will jizz at the Chapter 10 boss.

Also... That boss just CANT be beaten in the time limit. No way. Not happening. Ever.



Holy shit at the CP needed to upgrade on Stage 8 :|


Carl2291 said:

Holy shit at the CP needed to upgrade on Stage 8 :|


Holy shit at the CP needed to Upgrade on Stage 10 :/ (starts with 30.000 and ends with 60.000)


by the way @ whoever asked:

i found this item-drop-increasing accessory, its @ Floor 7 of the Taejin Tower (Chp. 11)., in a Chest there.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Carl2291 said:

Holy shit at the CP needed to upgrade on Stage 8 :|

It kind of helps that you get more CP per battle when you get to Gran Pulse.  I just up to that area and some of the enemies oneshot kill you.  I am trying to do the hunts.  I need to grind in order to be powerful enough for the final areas.

Crystalchild said:
Carl2291 said:

Holy shit at the CP needed to upgrade on Stage 8 :|


Holy shit at the CP needed to Upgrade on Stage 10 :/ (starts with 30.000 and ends with 60.000)


by the way @ whoever asked:

i found this item-drop-increasing accessory, its @ Floor 7 of the Taejin Tower (Chp. 11)., in a Chest there.

