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Forums - Sales Discussion - Holy Hell hardware adjustments!

Gilgamesh said:

Sony didn't show there shipment numbers yet (Nintendo and Microsoft did) so there still could be some big adjustments for the PS3.

Considering Microsoft's shipped numbers havn't changed any numbers (despite being 2 mill + ahead) I doubt sony's will either


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kowenicki said:
Gilgamesh said:

Sony didn't show there shipment numbers yet (Nintendo and Microsoft did) so there still could be some big adjustments for the PS3.

I dont see why after this?

We have good 3rd party Japanese tracking, we have good 3rd party US tracking and now we have just had some apparently good 3rd party europe tracking.

Why would shipping informatrion alter anything after all that information? 

The Xbox360 has a shipped number 2m more than VGC.... that didnt cause anything to be altered and if Sony figures do then it would be...... odd.

You never know with Other's though, that's always iffy. Maybe it had a really big impact or really small impact from the Slim/Price cut in some of those regions.

...and you expect some people to pay for your numbers?

drkohler said:

GfK (Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung) is a very large company that operates, like NPD, on the sales data they can get from distributors/shops (on _any_ consumer goods. If you want to know how many red bras were sold in country xy, you pay for the data..). In Switzerland, for example, they have the shop data for >95% of all consoles sold. So their numbers are extremely precise. In other countries, the mileage may vary. If you want the console data for Europe, you have to pay for it (probably a rather large sum at that). Occasionally a few GfK data points got spilled into the public domain (and usually showed that the 360/PS3 gap was much lower than shown here). 

What I don't like with this specific adjustment are several questionable things:

a) Nintendo has an estimated graph of some (major) European countries. This site equates "Others" essentially with the entire PAL world.

b) ioi states corrections were over 3-4 years for some parts of his regional data (whatever they are) - so he now adds a single correction over a dozen quaterly financial reports from MS/Sony which already caused corrections when they were issued?

a) duely noted, and I'm 100% sure ioi is aware of that

b) beings that we don't know enough information we can't argue either way whether the adjustment was "bad" or not. We do know that VGChartz overestimated the size of some markets. As stated though, ioi believes this isn't just a 3 month overestimate of market size, and obviously would have to be corrected back through the years.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
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Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

66.70 million Versus 68.22 million. Only 1.52 million gap between Wii and PS360 combined.

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BigBoobieHead said:
...and you expect some people to pay for your numbers?

where did you see that?


khanticcortus said:

There is something strange here.

November 2009 , Microsoft announce 10 Millions XBox360 In EMEA ( Eurome, Middle East , Africa ) and recently they announce 5 Million Xbox360 sold between October and December IN THE WORLD.

So it's impossible for the XBox360 to be at 14 millions in Europe. That doesn't make sense.


Sorry for my bad english.... i'm French. 

That's a very good question which seems to be ignored by people so far.



Hephaestos said:
BigBoobieHead said:
...and you expect some people to pay for your numbers?

where did you see that? 

From ioi:

3.0 we are planning 3 levels of access for data:

  • Free where you can see top 20 charts each week (top 50 rankings), top 10 per console (top 30 rankings), hardware, top 10 preorders (top 30 rankings), new features like milesones, weekly records. Will be enough to have an overview and to discuss trends.
  • Standard membership (~$7.99 per month) where you can see top 200 per week, top 50 per console, top 50 per publisher, top 100 preorders, extra comparison tools, maybe top level download charts, maybe no ads.
  • Premium membership (for industry) where you can see all data as well as some fancy tools for analysing revenues, year on year data, anticipation metrics plus much more.

So you won't HAVE to pay to view data but if you do subscribe it gives you access to more data. Unfortunately, the data-collection side to VGChartz has got to a point now where it is costing more to run than it is generating in ad revenue, therefore we need to move to a new costing model to continue to grow and improve the service. The data certainly won't be going anywhere but you'll only be able to see top-level data for free with the new site. It's more a case of adding new stuff and charging to use it than charging for what is already there.

BigBoobieHead said:
...and you expect some people to pay for your numbers?

... this

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Cant believe that this web site would question its integrity with such a huge adjustment. This is not even within any kind of error margin. Serioulsy, i am starting to doubt any number here.