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Forums - Sony Discussion - So here's what I think of the PS3


So I got some HDMI cables and some optic cables so I could do the whole upscale thing which is pretty nice. While picking up those cables I also decided I would pick up the PS3 remote.

Now normally I would have 6 remotes and adding the PS3 remote would make it 7; that's not fun. Lucky for me I have a fancy schmancy universal remote. Overall, it's a pretty good remote (the software is ass but it's easy to overlook) that makes life great.

So anyways, I unwrap my spiffy PS3 remote and find out I have to register it with my PS3. Hmm, well that's a little odd. I read the direction a little and FUCK it uses Blue Tooth. My remote (and assume most universal remotes) doesn't use Blue Tooth.

Way to find another little way to fuck people Sony.

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Has anyone quoted CakeStation 3 yet?



@ twesterm

My cousin dreams about PS3. He is 13 yo and his parents are very poor so they can't afford it. I think you can offer him the happines. Be a better man and send to him the source of all you pain and bitterness (he will pay all shipping and handling cost). There would be two happy people more on this planet. Thats beautiful.

twesterm said:

So I got some HDMI cables and some optic cables so I could do the whole upscale thing which is pretty nice. While picking up those cables I also decided I would pick up the PS3 remote.

Now normally I would have 6 remotes and adding the PS3 remote would make it 7; that's not fun. Lucky for me I have a fancy schmancy universal remote. Overall, it's a pretty good remote (the software is ass but it's easy to overlook) that makes life great.

So anyways, I unwrap my spiffy PS3 remote and find out I have to register it with my PS3. Hmm, well that's a little odd. I read the direction a little and FUCK it uses Blue Tooth. My remote (and assume most universal remotes) doesn't use Blue Tooth.

Way to find another little way to fuck people Sony.

Bluetooth > IR for remotes.  You don't get annoying blocks of the signal, nor do you need to aim the remote directly at the unit.  They're not trying to screw you, it's genuinely better.  In any case, you don't need a remote.  You can do everything with the controllers. 

Now, to respond to your original post...

"I *hated* the SIXAXIS controls for the grenades, it just wasn’t very good."

Then use the analog controls, perhaps? That's what I did and, hey, guess what?

"The SIXAXIS controls for the walking across logs wasn’t bad, but I had to wave the controller about wildly to get myself to fall off the log."

Then you weren't doing it right. Small tilts are plenty. When are you going to point out the game's shortcomings rather than your own?

"I finally decide to just press right on the control pad on a whim and it works and I felt like an idiot. I try it on the next arrow and it works too."

How long did it take you to figure that out? It took me less than a second. In fact, I made it through on my first go. Once again, this is one of your shortcomings, not the game's.

"Apparently just pressing the button once isn’t enough and you have to keep pressing it. I think it’s pretty stupid but whatever."

Yeah, that's why there's an animation of the button going up and down. How else would you expect that to be shown to you?

"I actually got up and got a drink while just tapping the triangle and square button and when I came back I was still doing fine."

I'm calling bullshit on this one. Video or it didn't happen.


Not only are over half of your complaints your own fault, but 2/3 of the remainder are unfounded or are complaints that 90% of the market don't agree with you on. Now, taken on it's own, it'd be easy to believe that maybe the system just isn't your thing. However, given your posting history, the only logical conclusion is that this entire post is just biased drivel. It seems the only reason you have a PS3 is so that you can sound more high and mighty when you talk shit about it. In short, you have the credibility of a toilet bowl when it comes to all things PS3.

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phil said:
twesterm said:

So I got some HDMI cables and some optic cables so I could do the whole upscale thing which is pretty nice. While picking up those cables I also decided I would pick up the PS3 remote.

Now normally I would have 6 remotes and adding the PS3 remote would make it 7; that's not fun. Lucky for me I have a fancy schmancy universal remote. Overall, it's a pretty good remote (the software is ass but it's easy to overlook) that makes life great.

So anyways, I unwrap my spiffy PS3 remote and find out I have to register it with my PS3. Hmm, well that's a little odd. I read the direction a little and FUCK it uses Blue Tooth. My remote (and assume most universal remotes) doesn't use Blue Tooth.

Way to find another little way to fuck people Sony.

Bluetooth > IR for remotes. You don't get annoying blocks of the signal, nor do you need to aim the remote directly at the unit. They're not trying to screw you, it's genuinely better. In any case, you don't need a remote. You can do everything with the controllers.


  1. I can't remember the last time I needed my remote when I wasn't in the room.  Also, as long as I'm facing my TV I've never had a problem with my remote.  For every device I have programmed into my remote linked above, the remote can be completely turned around and still work fine and I'm not in a habit of playing things between my and my TV so I don't really care about blockage.  So Blue Tooth is good, but it isn't genuinely better.
  2. You missed the point: I like having a single remote do everything.  I know the controller can do everything but then that's still something else I have to fiddle with when I want to watch a movie or whatever.  The point of having a spiffy universal remote is so that I don't have to keep 7 remote laying around, instead I can have just one do everything.

phil said:

"The SIXAXIS controls for the walking across logs wasn’t bad, but I had to wave the controller about wildly to get myself to fall off the log."

Then you weren't doing it right. Small tilts are plenty. When are you going to point out the game's shortcomings rather than your own?

If you pay attention that was a shortcoming. If the gag is a balancing bit then if I wave the controller about wildly I should fall. Instead, the player character continues to wobble.  You shouldn't have to try to make yourself fall.

As for the pressing the right buttons thing, on the first time you press X you only have to press it once even though the button animates. The rest of the times you have to keep pressing X even though the button is animated button is doing the same exact thing.

"I actually got up and got a drink while just tapping the triangle and square button and when I came back I was still doing fine."

I'm calling bullshit on this one. Video or it didn't happen.

The only two buttons I pressed in this video where the square and triangle buttons.



As you can plainly see, I clear the whole fight with ease and Nariko is rolling about, moving around the platform, jumping up in the air, and doing finishing moves and I am only pressing two buttons the entire video. I never once press the analog sticks.

I do not bullshit or beat around the bush, I am actually one of the most blunt people you will ever experience. And people laughed at FFXII because it pretty much played by itself.

(and excuse the messy home and embarassing fridge content-- I still haven't unpacked >_>)

Not only are over half of your complaints your own fault, but 2/3 of the remainder are unfounded or are complaints that 90% of the market don't agree with you on. Now, taken on it's own, it'd be easy to believe that maybe the system just isn't your thing. However, given your posting history, the only logical conclusion is that this entire post is just biased drivel. It seems the only reason you have a PS3 is so that you can sound more high and mighty when you talk shit about it. In short, you have the credibility of a toilet bowl when it comes to all things PS3.

Like I've said many times, the beginning part with the packaging and all that jazz was very biased but the part that matters, the games, I approached them all with a completely open mind and those were my honest thoughts. I would think the same exact thing if I played those games on the Wii, 360, PS3, or PC.


Sorry, Twesterm... You're probably a nice guy, but you are a Whinger!!! Now you're whinging about remotes? God plz don't get a bluetooth headset... that will push you over the edge. Dude, for the love of God, get rid of your ps3.

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

ROFL @ embedded video. You really put your money where your mouth is, twesterm. :)

EDIT: The remote thing is just a complaint.  He's not making it out to be the end of the world like "OMG TEH REMOTE IS BLEUTHOOTH IM RETURNIGN THSI SYSTEM!!!"  It's just another niggling disappointment.  I'm sure if you spent $100 or more on a universal remote to get rid of your 6 other remotes, you too would be disappointed that it doesn't work with your Blu-ray player.

And honestly, Bluetooth is better than IR, but is it better in any tangible way that matters for a remote control?  How hard is it exactly to point your remote at the TV?  My guess is, the PS3 already had a Bluetooth interface, so they used that for the remote instead of adding IR.  That makes sense to me.  I'm sure if the Wii had DVD playback, they too would use the built-in Bluetooth (probably just use the Wii Remote, honestly) instead of adding another interface.

Understandable about the two button combo on HS... But Try do that at the end :P  GL

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil