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Forums - Sony Discussion - So here's what I think of the PS3

finalsquall said:



All I get out of your long winded effort is. Blah Blah Blah Blah. Go play wif your Mii and compete with all the other soccer mom's and grannies.

So is this what you would call constructive? You spend all that time bitching about Wii fanboys and then give us this little gem? If you really think there's a problem, try not being part of it first.

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finalsquall said:

Thank you for proving mine.

You had a point?  Until this post I wasn't even sure if you were a real person or if you were a Spam bot responding to the words PS3 and bad.

Kind of like those bots that post stuff like

"Hey great blog about sex, see HOT HOT single women at"

In a post where a pregnant woman writes about how she went to the doctor today and found out the sex of the child was a girl.

Of course, their is a chance you are one of those bots and have developed rudimentry self awareness... but the consequences of that are too maddening to think about!  If it's true, all has been lost.


I clicked it I clicked!!! I CLICKED IT!!!!!!!

Alot of people are getting a ps3.


Sqrl said:
finalsquall said:

PS - Montana your assertion that you were kidding is absolutely bogus. I've really gotten tired of giving you the benefit of the doubt only to be dissapointed and I'm just not willing to do it this time. The context of the thread and the demeanor of your post was far from joking.

Or was this a joke too? "Twesterm rarely posts something constructive, so why the double standard?"

 Thanks for all the support but the Montana bit was actually all in good fun (or at least that's how I took it). 

leo-j said:

I clicked it I clicked!!! I CLICKED IT!!!!!!!

Alot of people are getting a ps3.


I'll say. Those Japan numbers look great. Hopefully the US numbers will pick up too.  I want plenty of decent games on the system for when I get it.  Luckily, it'll be a while as i seem like i'll be backlogged with good games for a while.  Hopefully long enough for a backwords compatable model to come out, cause i'd much rather get one that way then having to Ebay it or get it used.

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I understand where Twesterm is coming from but he does seem a bit harsh during his reviews.

IMO, the PS3 needs some work in a few areas... mostly surrounding the XMB and PSN. Both, while nice-looking and clean, offer little in the way of actual functionality. I love how the XMB works on the PSP but in the console realm, the XB Dashboard has it beat up and down the block. The Dashboard may not look as nice as the XMB but you can fly through menus, get what you need in seconds, and get the hell out of Dodge and resume playing video games. Meanwhile in the XMB, you're still trying to find what mysterious menu might contain the information you're seeking. A for appearance, F for functionality. When you get your PS3 loaded full of various videos, demos, and other media, it becomes a bloated and convoluted POS. Not a ringing endorsement for a multimedia console. Many of the same complaints could be leveled at the PSN.

Methinks Sony needs to kidnap a few of Apple's GUI guys and start over.

Or check out my new webcomic:

*~Onna76~* said:
Oh my god, you just mention things which I will hate... please, please tell me the BC is okay, or isn't?

In the 20 & 60 gig models, BC is brilliant. Upscaled PS2 games FTW. The only problem is a lack of rumble, which will be addressed shortly.

I can't speak for the 40 & 80 gig models, I have yet to play them.


Or check out my new webcomic:

This thread gets an F. If you're so unhappy with Sony don't buy their products.


VGChartz forums: the new gamefaqs

The 80gb has 95% BC and upscales to 1080p.


finalsquall said:



All I get out of your long winded effort is. Blah Blah Blah Blah. Go play wif your Mii and compete with all the other soccer mom's and grannies.



 My god, you just made the worst post I have ever seen.


Have a cookie.