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I understand where Twesterm is coming from but he does seem a bit harsh during his reviews.

IMO, the PS3 needs some work in a few areas... mostly surrounding the XMB and PSN. Both, while nice-looking and clean, offer little in the way of actual functionality. I love how the XMB works on the PSP but in the console realm, the XB Dashboard has it beat up and down the block. The Dashboard may not look as nice as the XMB but you can fly through menus, get what you need in seconds, and get the hell out of Dodge and resume playing video games. Meanwhile in the XMB, you're still trying to find what mysterious menu might contain the information you're seeking. A for appearance, F for functionality. When you get your PS3 loaded full of various videos, demos, and other media, it becomes a bloated and convoluted POS. Not a ringing endorsement for a multimedia console. Many of the same complaints could be leveled at the PSN.

Methinks Sony needs to kidnap a few of Apple's GUI guys and start over.

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