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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why did Army of Two: 40th Day sell so low its first week?


Why did Army of Two: 40th Day sell so low its first week?

The first game was that b... 62 45.59%
This game got lost amidst the busy Q1 lineup. 28 20.59%
Sequel wasn't released t... 1 0.74%
There was no advertisements for this game 18 13.24%
Sales will pick up. Just ... 13 9.56%
Other (explain) 14 10.29%
axumblade said:

Super Mario Galaxy. :B I'm just kidding. God I hate the second player mode in galaxy. -.-

LittleBigPlanet and New Super Mario Bros. Wii also have 4 player co-op XD Just saying. 

Exclusively 2 player Co-Op might be on the downward spiral though..I can't think of many games off hand that are only 2 players. Even RPG's tend to have more than 2 players if they have multiplayer (Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia). Of course then again, you could just be talking about shooters...dunno.

But all those came out last decade

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dsister44 said:
axumblade said:

Super Mario Galaxy. :B I'm just kidding. God I hate the second player mode in galaxy. -.-

LittleBigPlanet and New Super Mario Bros. Wii also have 4 player co-op XD Just saying. 

Exclusively 2 player Co-Op might be on the downward spiral though..I can't think of many games off hand that are only 2 players. Even RPG's tend to have more than 2 players if they have multiplayer (Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia). Of course then again, you could just be talking about shooters...dunno.

But all those came out last decade

Son of a... :)

This is what I'd think why:

1. Negative hype from the first (good game but not something people wanted to pay $60 for)

2. Competition from games releasing after and before it (mainly Mass Effect 2)

3. Lost in the market (although commercial advertising was good, no one really knew about it til after it was out as it got lost through the epic holiday season we had which is one of the issues surrounding January release that aren't necessarily a big name).

Dsister is smarter than all of us. Better avatar too. Dammit! Always the bridesmaid. . .

Army of Two is the typical game that hardcore gamers pick up from the bargain bin when they cruise game stores and feel bored.

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Timing, i bet. Didn't the original Army of Two launch around a time when nothing else was launching? It's success story is similar to the original Lost Planet's i think.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

It's basically a local co-op game only, since playing or your own or online seems like a mess.

Now who would be crazy enough to buy that.

I picked other, and I'll explain why.

The graphics on the game are horrible. HORRIBLE. I think the game looks PS2-when it first came out-gen. The graphics are downright embarassing, in my opinion, for a game that just came out. Embarassing.

The game itself plays pretty well. The problem is, it's nothing special. It's not a great game, it's not a bad game. It's like a dumbed down version of Gears of War, in my opinion. The cover system doesn't work all that well. It's effective, but confusing - I just walk up to a wall and I'm using it as cover? Really? I'll take Uncharted/Gears method of pushing a button - then I know when I'm in cover and not, and I don't get stuck on a wall not realizing I'm in cover.

On top of that, a lot of people don't know that there is online multiplayer - I had no clue until I played the game, and was actually quite shocked (and oddly pleased) to find that out. I didn't get the chance to try the online multiplayer yet, so I can't say whether it's good or not. I just know I was 99% sure it didn't exist until I actually played the game.

I played the game a bit and it's not just looks extremely rushed to me, that or extremely low budget. Either one will kill the allure of the game, and it seems it did just that.

Miguel_Zorro said:

- Because it had no marketing

- Because Both Army of Two and Army of Two: 40th Day have relatively poor ratings.

- Because the market is filled with recently released games that are similar.

- Because it was released in what is, seasonally, the lowest consumer spending month of the year.

- Because it's $69.99 where I live, and a lot of other new games are only $59.99.


Also @ dsister44 - does Call of Duty: World at War count as a co-op game?

Pretty much. It just got a $20 price drop too, after only two weeks.

It definitely underperformed.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Slimebeast said:
Army of Two is the typical game that hardcore gamers pick up from the bargain bin when they cruise game stores and feel bored.

Exactly,when the game will be 20-30$,many players will put together half the sum and play the game together.

We all know it`s not worth 60$,but it`s 40$ already online,so...good things happen to those who wait